DISASTER MEDICINE No. 2•2023 Download the journal
Akinshin A.V., Bobiy B.V.
Regulation and Methodological Support of Activities of Functional Subsystem of Federal Medical and Biological Agency. Pp. 5-11
Markov S.V., Samoylov A.S.
Medical-Geographical, Medical-Climatic and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Sakhalin Oblast: Forecast of Sanitary Losses among Population in Case of Emergencies in the Region. Pp. 12-18
Markov S.V., Samoylov A.S., Goncharov S.F.
Forces and Means of Sakhalin Oblast Disaster Medicine Service for Medical and Evacuation Support of Victims of Emergencies. Pp. 19-22
Alekseenko S.N., Bagdasaryan A.S., Linchenko S.N., Pukhnyak D.V., Sirunyants A.A., Kamalyan J.A., Mikhalevich A.V., Kolodkin A.A.
Medical and Tactical Characteristics of Natural Emergencies Occurring in Municipalities of Krasnodar Kray. Pp. 23-28
Smetanin G.A., Gumenyuk S.A., Guskova O.V.
Operation of the Training Division of the Moscow Territorial Scientific and Practical Center for Disaster Medicine of Moscow Health Care Department in a Mode of Increased Operational Readiness under Conditions of a Special Military Operation. Pp. 29-31
Kuzmin S.A., Grigorieva L.K.
Contract Military Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: Organizational, Medical, and Social Aspects of the Selection of Citizens. Pp. 32-35
Obereshin V.I., Gonchar M.S.
Experience in Teaching the Subject “First Aid” with 2nd Year Students at the Emergency and Disaster Medicine Chair of Ryazan State Medical University named after acad. I.P. Pavlov. Pp. 36-40
Voynovskiy A.E. Semenenko, I.A., Pashkovskaya A.A., Dyuzheva T.G., Grashchenko S.A., Klimova A.V., Tokarev M.V., Shirkunov A.P.
Endoscopic Transpapillary Stenting of Pancreatic Duct in Pancreatic Trauma AAST III: Clinical Observation. Pp. 41-44
Miziev I.A., Makhov M.Kh., Gubzhokova A.B., Kardanov A.A., Kardanova L.D.
Prospects of N-Acetylcysteine Use as a Nephroprotector in Patients with Concomitant Trauma and other Pharmacological Aspects of Clinical Use of this Substance. Pp. 45-50
Maslyakov V.V., Sidelnikov S.A., Barachevskiy Y.E., Kurkin K.G., Pimenova A.A.,
Polidanov M.A., Polikarpov D.A., Barulina M.A.
Simultaneous Mass Admission of Emergency Victims to Medical Treatment Organizations: Organizational Problems and Possible Ways to Solve them. Pp. 51-55
Samoylov A.S., Rylova N.V., Bolshakov I.V., Tikhonova O.A., Kazakov V.F., Kish A.A.
Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Overexertion Syndrome in Rescuers of the Russian EMERCOM. Pp. 56-61
Matuzov G.L., Masyagutova L.M.
Domestic and International Experience in Organizing Medical Care for Victims of Man-Made Emergencies. Pp. 62-68
Gumenyuk S.A., Yarema V.I., Fedin A.B.
Megalopolis Emergencies: Approaches to Air Ambulance Evacuation of Injured and Seriously Ill. Pp. 69-80