Original article
Megalopolis Emergencies: Approaches to Air Ambulance Evacuation of Injured and Seriously Ill
Gumenyuk S.A. 1, Yarema V.I. 1, Fedin A.B. 1
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1 Moscow Territorial Scientific and Practical Center for Disaster Medicine (TSEMP) of the Moscow City Health Department, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDC 614.88:3635
Pp. 69–80
Summary. The aim of the study is to determine approaches to sanitary aviation evacuation of seriously ill people and victims in emergency situations (ES) under the conditions of a megalopolis on the example of Moscow.
Study materials and methods. Materials of the study were the data of the accompanying sheets, medical records and morphological studies conducted in deceased patients.
Research methods: analytical, statistical, methods of direct observation, logical and informational modeling.
Results of the study and their analysis. It has been noted that emergencies in megalopolises are extremely diverse, unpredictable and of a larger scale than in the Russian Federation as a whole. A mass simultaneous admission of victims in a serious condition to the specialized departments of the specialized hospitals is typical for large-scale emergencies in megapolises. The speed of hospitalization of such patients to provide them with primary medical and specialized, including high-tech, medical care is of fundamental importance. In these conditions the first priority is given to the sanitary and aviation evacuation of the injured and seriously ill with the use of air ambulance helicopters.
The article presents the data on the air ambulance evacuation of emergency victims and seriously ill people using air ambulance helicopters in Moscow in 2018-2022.
The approaches and principles of air ambulance evacuation, etc. are considered.
Keywords: air ambulance evacuation, air ambulance helicopters, approaches to air ambulance evacuation, emergencies, megalopolises, Moscow, principles of air ambulance evacuation, seriously ill people, victims
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest
For citation: Gumenyuk S.A., Yarema V.I., Fedin A.B. Megalopolis Emergencies: Approaches to Air Ambulance Evacuation of Injured and Seriously Ill. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2023;2:69-80 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2023-2-69-80
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The material was received 25.05.23; the article after peer review procedure 15.06.23; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.06.23