Rules of Submission of Articles to Scientific Periodical Journal “Disaster Medicine”

The journal “Disaster Medicine” is a scientific periodical on topical issues of organization and provision of medical care to the population in accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, epidemics, terrorist acts and armed conflicts. The main sections of the journal are “Organization and Tactics of Service for Disaster Medicine “, “Clinical Aspects of Disaster Medicine”, “Topical Problems of Medical Evacuation”, “Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic (Preventive) Measures in Emergency Situations”, “Education and Training of Personnel”, “International Cooperation”. The journal “Disaster Medicine” is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications and in the journal should be published the main results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of science in the branches of science: 05.26.02 – Safety in Emergency Situations (as far as the Medical Sciences are concerned), 14.01.17-Surgery (Medical Sciences aspects).


1. Manuscript Requirements

1.1. The manuscript (electronic version), including files containing scanned images of completed and certified accompanying documents in the format *.pdf – sent by mail:

1.2. The manuscript is accompanied by an official referral from the institution in which it is prepared, indicating the name(s) of the author(s) and by an expert opinion, as well as by a confirmation, which establishes the transfer of publication rights for the manuscript and contains the following information: the manuscript is not under consideration by another publication; has not been previously published; contains full disclosure of conflicts of interest; the manuscript contains no information not subject for publication; the author(s) is (are) responsible for the accuracy of the manuscript content.

1.3. The manuscript shall be signed by all authors. The following information must be provided about each author: full name (surname, patronymic), place of work (organization name in Russian and English), position, office address, phone number, e-mail address. These data must be on a separate sheet.

Personal data (name, place of work, position, scientific degree, academic title, phone number, mailing address, e-mail address) provided by the authors to the “Disaster Medicine” journal, will be used exclusively for the purposes specified by the journal and will not be subject to further processing, be used for any other purposes or disclosed to third parties and organizations.


1.4. Authors are required to disclose potential and actual conflicts of interest related to the manuscript. As a conflict of interest are: financial relations; service or work in institutions that have financial or political interests in the published materials; job responsibilities and other situations that affect the author(s) of the manuscript and can lead to distortion of data or change

their interpretation. If there are sources of funding, they should be listed. If there is no conflict of interest, the authors indicate: “Conflict of interest – not declared.”

1.5. The “Disaster Medicine” journal publishes materials not published previously. Materials protected by copyright, as well as materials published previously, in whole or in part, may not be submitted to the journal for publication. The results of the authors’ research, which are under consideration in the Editorial Board of the journal, cannot be sent to another journal for publication as an author’s article.

The editor-in-chief of the journal should be notified about the author’s works, which may be considered as a duplicate or double publication.

When referring to the works of other authors, it is necessary to observe accuracy in quoting and specifying the source.



2. Requirements for the Design of the Manuscript

2.1. The title page shall contain the title of the article, the author’s surname, first name and patronymic. The sequence of data about authors is determined by their joint decision and confirmed by signatures on the title page.


2.2. The original article should be structured and conform to the generally accepted template: introduction (relevance), goals and objectives of the study, research materials and methods, research results and their analysis, conclusions (findings). In reviews, descriptions of specific cases and information materials, the author’s structure of the manuscript text is allowed.

When describing the statistical analysis procedure, a complete list of all methods of analysis and criteria used for testing hypotheses should be provided. The average values should not be given more precisely than one decimal point in comparison with the original data; the standard deviation and the average error – one more sign more precisely.

When analyzing data with a statistical software package, you must specify the package name and its version.


2.3. The manuscript must be printed on one side of the A4 sheet in Microsoft Word format, with the extension *.doc (*.docx); font – Times New Roman, 14-th pin, at 1.5 intervals; margins-at least 2.0 cm on each side of the page. Pages starting from the title page should be numbered in Arabic numerals.

The volume of the manuscript, including the summary (abstract), references, 3-4 illustrations, captions should not exceed 15 pages.


2.4. The manuscript must be accompanied by a summary or abstract (GOST 7.9-95 “Summary and Abstract. General Requirements”), as well as by keywords that contribute to the indexing of the article in search engines, with a total volume of no more than one page (in Russian and English).


2.5. Formulas should be presented in printed form. Illustrations, photos, graphs, and diagrams must be made as separate files:

– illustrations should be clear and contrasting;

– photos – in tiff or jpg formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi;

– charts and diagrams – in the format of the program in which they were created (Excel, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator).


2.6. The tables should contain only the necessary information and represent generalized and statistically processed data. Each table (if there are more than one) must have a number and a title. All explanations should be placed in notes (footnotes).


2.7. The text should use the physical units and designations adopted in the international system SI – GOST 8.417-81 (ST COMECON 1052-78), and generally accepted abbreviations of values.

2.8. Abbreviations are made in accordance with GOST 7.0.12-2011 – for Russian and GOST 7.11-2004 – for European foreign languages. Abbreviations are deciphered at the first use of terms and remain unchanged throughout the text. Abbreviations and acronyms in the table are explained in the note.


2.9. Transliteration and English. When transliterating, it is recommended to use the BGN/PCGN (United States Board on Geographic Names/Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use) standard, recommended by the international publisher Oxford University Press as the “British Standard”. The English-language title of the article should be literate from the point of view of the English language and fully correspond to the meaning of the Russian-language title.


2.10. At the end of each scientific article should follow an article-by-article bibliographic list under the title “List of References”, on a separate sheet, issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008 ” Bibliographic Reference. General Requirements and Rules of Drawing up”. The list of references should be in Russian and English and compiled in the order of citing literary sources in the article. Recommended number and time of publication of used sources – no more than 20 sources over the last 5 years; in reviews – up to 50 sources. The English-language part of the bibliographic reference must conform to the format recommended by the American national organization for information standards (National Information Standards Organization – NISO) accepted by National Library of Medicine (NLM) for data bases (Library’s MEDLINE/PubMed database) NLM:

When quoting materials from the Internet, the author, name, source, Internet address, date of access to the web page are specified.

The author is responsible for the correctness of the data given in the list of references.

3. Compliance with ethical standards

If the article contains the results of a study in which volunteers participated, it is necessary to provide a reference to the minutes of the meeting of the independent Ethics Committee that approved the study in accordance with international standards for clinical trials ICН Harmonized Tripartite Guideline for Good Clinical Practice and GOST-R 52379-2005.

4. If the submitted manuscript does not meet the specified requirements the Editorial Board has the right to return it to the author for revision.