Original article
Medical and Tactical Characteristics of Natural Emergencies Occurring in Municipalities of Krasnodar Kray
Alekseenko S.N. 1, Bagdasaryan A.S. 1, Linchenko S.N. 1, Pukhnyak D.V. 1, Sirunyants A.A. 1, Kamalyan J.A. 1, Mikhalevich A.V. 1,2, Kolodkin A.A. 1
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1 Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
2 Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
UDC 614.8:551.515.9:470.620
Pp. 23–28
Summary. The objectives of the study were to assess the likelihood of natural emergencies in municipalities of Krasnodar krai and to prepare recommendations for public health authorities to reduce medical and sanitary consequences of natural emergencies.
Study materials and methods. The study materials were the data of reports of the Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine on the monitoring of the natural environment and the elimination of health consequences of natural disasters in Krasnodar krai.
In the course of the study analytical and statistical methods, as well as methods of direct observation, historical comparison, logical analysis and forecasting were used.
Results of the study and their analysis. The interrelation of natural and climatic features of Krasnodar krai with the risk of emergencies of natural character has been analyzed. It has been established that out of 44 municipal districts of the region 29 are situated in the earthquake risk zone; 30 are in the flood risk zones; 14 are in the zones of probable meteorological factors influence that allowed to form a differentiated approach to the organization of medical and evacuation actions on liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of abnormal natural phenomena.
It is concluded that the interaction of the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Krasnodar krai with the regional branches of Roshydromet and public health authorities of the region in the prediction of emergency situations will minimize health losses among the population and damage to the economy.
Keywords: zones of probable meteorological impact, zones of possible flooding, Krasnodar krai, medical and tactical characteristics, municipalities, natural emergencies, earthquake zones
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest
For citation: Alekseenko S.N., Bagdasaryan A.S., Linchenko S.N., Pukhnyak D.V., Sirunyants A.A., Kamalyan J.A., Mikhalevich A.V., Kolodkin A.A. Medical and Tactical Characteristics of Natural Emergencies Occurring in Municipalities of Krasnodar Kray. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2023;2:23-28 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2023-2-23-28
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The material was received 31.01.23; the article after peer review procedure 13.06.23; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.06.23