

Original article

Internship in the System of Postgraduate Training of Medical Specialists for Various Sectors of Healthcare, Including the Disaster Medicine Service of the Ministry of Health of Russia: the History of its Formation and Development, 1967–2017

Suin P.A.1, Pervukhin N.N.1, Gumenyuk S.A.1

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1 Moscow Territorial Scientific and Practical Center for Disaster Medicine (TSEMP) of the Moscow City Health Department, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDC 614.23: «1967-2017»

Pp. 65-70 

Summary. The purpose of the study is to study and systematize the process of improvement and development in the USSR and the Russian Federation of one-year specialization (internship) of graduates of medical universities in the system of primary postgraduate education; identify problematic issues in their internship training.

Materials and methods of research. Research materials – regulatory legal acts of the USSR and the Russian Federation; open scientific thematic sources characterizing the process of formation and development of internship in a historical aspect. Research methods – methods of comparative analysis and scientific generalization.

Research results and their analysis. It was established that internship was the most successful form of practical training for medical specialists, and its completion was the main requirement for their employment. In the course of improving and reforming the system of higher medical education, internships were transferred from medical organizations (LMOs) to clinical departments of medical universities. The abolition of internship in 2017 had a negative impact on the quality of training of medical personnel, including for the Disaster Medicine Service (QMS) of the Russian Ministry of Health. The authors consider it expedient to restore the institute of internship, which, in their opinion, will improve the level of practical training of doctors.

Key words: Disaster Medicine Service of the Ministry of Health of Russia, intern doctors, internship, medical specialists, medical universities, postgraduate professional education, primary specialization

For citation: Suin P.A., Pervukhin N.N., Gumenyuk S.A. Internship in the System of Postgraduate Training of Medical Specialists for Various Sectors of Healthcare, Including the Disaster Medicine Service of the Ministry of Health of Russia: the History of its Formation and Development, 1967–2017. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2024;2:65-70 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2024-2-65-70



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The material was received 23.11.23; the article after peer review procedure 01.04.24; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 19.06.24