Analysis of Performance of the Operational Administrative Service of the Moscow Department of Health in Providing Quality Medical Care to Population in 2017-2021
Veklich A.V. 1, Gumenyuk S.A. 1, Fedotov S.A. 1, Evelson L.S. 1, Vechorko V.I.2
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1 Centre of Emergency Medical Care, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 City Clinical Hospital №15 named after O.M.Filatova, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 614.2: 614.88 (470-25): «2017/2020»
P. 36–41
Abstract. The aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the operational administrative service of the Department of Health of Moscow to ensure the health of the population.
Materials and research methods. We analyzed the work of the operational administrative service of the Department of Health of Moscow in 2017-2021 basing on verbal complaints of citizens about shortcomings in the work on the provision of medical care to the population. Materials of the study – reports on the elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies; orders, instructions and other documents of the Department of Health of Moscow.
Results of the study and their analysis. The work of operational administrative service proved its efficiency: opportunities for the citizens to seek medical assistance expanded, number of cases of operative response increased. Expansion of the operational administrative service staff due to epidemiological situation on COVID-19 increased the number of verbal appeals of citizens in comparison with 2019. Intensive work on detection of errors and their elimination by specialists of medical treatment organizations led to a decrease in number of requests for medical care and to a reduction of validity of verbal complaints about shortcomings of its provision.
It is concluded that it is expedient to create similar services in other megalopolises of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: megalopolis, operational administrative service of the Department of Health of Moscow, population, prompt response, quality medical care, routine of daily activities, verbal complaints of citizens
For citation: Veklich A.V., Gumenyuk S.A., Fedotov S.A., Evelson L.S., Vechorko V.I. Analysis of Performance in Routine of Daily Activities of the Operational Administrative Service of the Moscow Department of Health in Providing Quality Medical Care to Population in 2017-2021. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;2:36-41 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-2-36-41
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The material was received 07.02.22; the article after peer review procedure 21.06.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.06.22