Organizational Aspects of Providing Emergency Care to Victims in Road Transportation Accidents with Damage to the Facial Skeleton
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Maslyakov V.V.1, Barachevsky Yu.E.2, Pavlova O.N.3, Pimenov A.V.4, Proshin A.G.4, Polyakov A.V.4, Pimenova A.A.4
1 Mariyskiy State University, Iyoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation
2 Northern State Medical University, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation
3 Samara State Transport University, Samara, Russian Federation
4 Saratov Medical University “Reaviz”, Saratov, Russian Federation
UDC 614.86:656.08:617.52
Pp. 65-67
Abstract. The aim of the study is to investigate the organizational aspects of providing emergency medical care to victims of road traffic accidents with injuries of the facial skeleton.
Materials and research methods. The study included 75 victims of road accidents that occurred in the city of Saratov in 2010–2019. In the total number of injured men – 42 (56.0%), women – 33 (44.0%). The age of the victims is 18–70 years, the average age is (37.5 ± 6.0) years. The study did not include: victims under the age of 18; victims with neck trauma, damage to the cerebral section of the skull and to other parts of the body. All the victims got medical assistance from the personnel of the ambulance brigades. Covering sheets, outpatient cards and medical records were used as primary documentation.
Study criteria: time during which the ambulance was provided; who provided emergency medical care; correctness of its rendering.
Research results and their analysis. Analysis of injuries to the facial skeleton showed:
- injuries of the facial skeleton are an actual pathology in victims of road traffic accidents in Saratov;
- victims of road accidents got open and closed injuries of the facial skeleton. With closed injuries, moderate and severe injuries were found in 23 (30.7%) victims, with open injuries — in 19 (23.3%) victims;
- majority (90.7%) of victims of road accidents got high-quality emergency medical aid in a timely manner. In 9.3% of cases, the quality of care was insufficient due to an incorrect assessment of severity of the victims’ condition and, as a consequence, due to non-fulfillment of anti-shock measures;
- scope of the provision of emergency medical care to victims of road accidents included temporary hemostasis, treatment of wounds and anti-shock measures;
- from the accident site were evacuated: to level III trauma centers — 24.0% of victims; to level II — 48.0; to level I trauma centers — 28.0% of victims;
- complications in the form of purulent-septic processes were observed in 16.0% of victims;
- competent and timely implementation of anti-shock measures determined an insignificant mortality rate — 4.0%.
Key words: ambulance teams, injured, injuries of the facial skeleton, organizational aspects, road traffic accidents
For citation: Maslyakov V.V., Barachevsky Yu.E., Pavlova O.N., Pimenov A.V., Proshin A.G., Polyakov A.V., Pimenova A.A. Organizational Aspects of Providing Emergency Care to Victims in Road Transportation Accidents with Damage to the Facial Skeleton. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2021;2:65-67 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2021-2-65-67
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The material was received 10.02.21; the article after peer review procedure 12.04.21; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 15.06.21