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Specialized Medical Care for Victims of Chernobyl Accident: Specifics of Organization, Types and Volumes, Leading Classes of Diseases
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Aleksanin S.S., Rybnikov V.Yu., Gudz’Yu.V., Rogalyov K.K., Sokurenko G.Yu., Dudarenko S.V., Savel’yeva M.V.
Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDC 614.88:614.876
Pp. 5-12
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to summarize the experience and identify the features of the organization and provision of specialized medical care (SpMP) to victims of the Chernobyl accident on the basis of the A. M. Nikiforov All-Russian centre of emergency and radiation medicine of EMERCOM of Russia.
Materials and methods of research. Materials of the study were the data on types and volume of specialized medical assistance in 2014-2020 on the basis of the Centre; on the leading classes of diseases demanding specialized medical care in remote period to those affected by the Chernobyl accident.
Research results and their analysis.
1. The system of organization of specialized medical care for victims of the Chernobyl accident in the framework of the Union State of Russia – Belarus includes 5 main stages: planning, coordination, information and analytical, hospital and final – analytical stages.
2. The main reasons for hospitalization of victims of the Chernobyl accident were diseases of the circulatory system, of the digestive system and of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.
3. When providing therapeutic SpMP, special attention was paid to the diagnosis and correction of comorbid pathology; when providing surgical SpMP, to individual selection of anesthetic aids, the use of minimally invasive endoscopic surgical interventions and prevention of postoperative complications.
4. The main reasons for medical rehabilitation were diseases of the Central nervous system and sensory organs, diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system.
Keywords: Chernobyl accident, leading classes of diseases, liquidators of accident consequences, population, radiation-contaminated territories, specialized medical care, victims
For citation: Aleksanin S.S., Rybnikov V.Yu., Gudz’Yu.V., Rogalyov K.K., Sokurenko G.Yu., Dudarenko S.V., Savel’yeva M.V. Specialized Medical Care for Victims of Chernobyl Accident: Specifics of Organization, Types and Volumes, Leading Classes of Diseases. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 4:17-24 (In Russ.).
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The material was received 08.10.20; the article after peer review procedure 24.11.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 30.11.20