DISASTER MEDICINE No. 3•2017  Download the journal


1. Belova A.B. Information Space of All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine

The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

The information space of All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine is presented and its structure is discussed.

The main features of the management activity of the Service that shape the requirements for the development of the information resources are characterized. The results of a questionnaire survey of specialists of territorial centers for disaster medicine and of first-aid stations for exploration of the existing information space of the Service are analyzed.

Some problematic issues of development of the single information space of the Service indispensable for perfection of fast interagency cooperation are defined.

The activity of Health Ministry is analyzed in elaborating of the single state information system in health service sphere and in forming a three-level information cooperation model: medical entities – regional level – federal level.

Key words: All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine, emergency situations, first-aid stations, information and communication technology infrastructure, information cooperation, information space, single state information system in health service sphere, territorial centers for disaster medicine, Unified State System of Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations


1. Chubayko V.G., Grebenyuk B.V., Kryukov V.I., Prosin V.I., Shilkin I.P., Belova A.B., Yuvakaev I.S. Activity of All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine Headquarters in 2016. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster medicine]. 2017; 2: 6–10. (In Rus.)

2. Shilkin I.P., Belova A.B. Ensuring interdepartmental information exchange in the provision of medical care to victims of emergency situations. Materials of the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Information technologies in practical health care”. Rostov-na-Donu Publ., 2016. (In Rus.)

3. Materials of final panels of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2014–2016. (In Rus.)

4. Fisun A.Ya., Kalachev O.V., Redkin E.E., Bershev M.A., Murzo A.V. Prospective planning of activity of the Medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020. Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal. [Military Medical Journal]. 2016; 4: 4–9. (In Rus.)

5. Kalachev O.V., Plakhov A.N., Pershin I.V., Agapitov A.A., Andreev A.I., Yakovlev A.E. Practice of the use of remote telemedical consultations in «experimental area of work». Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal. [Military Medical Journal]. 2016; 2: 4–8. (In Rus.)

6. Borisov D.N. Fundamental principles of the use of information and communication technologies and software and hardware systems in the health care system of military personnel. Materials of the “Information technologies in medicine” international congress. Мoscow Publ., 2016. (In Rus.)

7. Miroshnichenko Yu.V., Kononov V.N., Ivchenko E.V., Soldatov E.A., Mustaev O.Z., Rodionov E.O. Problems and prospects of innovation development of technical support for military medicine. Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal. [Military Medical Journal]. 2016; 6: 13–17. (In Rus.)

8. Goncharov S.F., Rozinov V.M., Shilkin V.I., Shilkin I.P. Potential Capacity of Telemedical Technologies in Reduction of Mortality of Population of Russia from External Causes. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster medicine]. 2017; 2: 11–16. (In Rus.)

9. URL: https://www.rosminzdrav.ru/news/2017/07/19/5807-ministr-veronika-skvortsova-prinyala-uchastiya-v-soveschanii-prezidenta-rossiyskoy-federatsii-s-chlenami-pravitelstva. (In Rus.)

2. Zakrevsky Yu.N. 1, Arkhangelsky D.A. 2, Barachevsky Yu.E. 3, Butikov V.P. 2, Shevchenko A.G. 2, Peretechikov A.V. 2, Panina T.V. 2 Organization of Medical Support of Servicemen in Arctic Zone of Russian Federation

Medical Service of the Joint Strategic Command of the Northern Fleet, Severomorsk, Russian Federation

2 Federal State-Owned Enterprise “1469th Marine Clinical Hospital” of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Severomorsk, Russian Federation

3 Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation

The organization of medical support of the military contingent stationed on remote islands and in continental zone of Extreme North under extreme environmental conditions is presented. The structure of medical entities, specifics of morbidity, of treatment and of delivery of emergency and resuscitation care, of medical evacuation including sanitary aviation evacuation are discussed. The tactics of emergency evacuation of patients with severe out-of-hospital pneumonia. The issues of medical examination of those detached for the area, of the effect on the human body of the environment, the issues of psychophysiological coping in conditions of closed and limited space are discussed.

Key words: Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, disaster medicine, extreme natural environment, medical evacuation, medical support, sanitary aviation evacuation, servicemen


1. Presidents Decree of December 31, 2015 №683. «On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation». URL: http://www.consultant.ru/cons/rtfcache/LAW191669_0_ 20170011 _171137_54500.rtf (accessed 15.01.2017). (In Rus.)

2. Valsky V.V., Khankevich Y.R., Moskvin A.V. Experience of interaction between the Northern Fleet medical service and the Service for Disaster Medicine of the Murmansk Region in the system of emergency medico-sanitary aftermath liquidation. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2008; 329(7): 17–20. (In Rus.)

3. Voinovsky E.A., Kovalev A.S., Kukunchikov A.A., Voinovsky A.E., Shabalin A.Y., Koltovich A.P. Operative therapy of the wounded with the principal severe multiple and combined injuries of the abdomen and pelvis. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster Medicine]. 2010; 2: 41–44. (In Rus.)

4. Solonin Y.G., Boyko E.R. Medico-physiological aspects of life in the Arctic. Arctic: environment and economy. 2015. №1. С. 70–75. (In Rus.)

5. Lemeshkin R.N., Akimov A.G., Egorov D.V. Problematic issues of the operation of the Disaster Medicine Service of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Mediko-biologicheskie i social’no-psihologicheskie problemy bezopasnosti v chrezvychajnyh situaciyah. [Medico-biological and socio-psychological problems of safety in emergency situations]. 2015; 3: 35–45. (In Rus.)

6. Lemeshkin R.N., Gumenyuk V.I., Gumenyuk O.V., Akimov A.G., Blinov V.A., Bobrov Yu.M., Pilnik N.M., Shelepov A.M., Borisov D.N., Agapitov A.A. Problematic issues of organization of interaction of medical forces and funds of various ministries and departments in the unified state system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations. Vestnik rossijskoj voenno-meditsinskoj akademii. [Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy]. 2016; 1: 176–183. (In Rus.)

7. Main results of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2015 and tasks for 2016. URL: http://sc.mil.ru/social/health/documents/more.htm?id= 12088423@egNPA#txt (accessed 06.02.2017). (In Rus.)

8. Fisun A.Ya., Yakovlev S.V. State and main directions of improvement of the Emergency Medicine Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster Medicine]. 2016; 4: 9–15. (In Rus.)

9. Miroshnichenko Yu.V., Bunin S.A., Reutsky I.A., Kononov V.N., Rodionov E.O. Modern Approaches to Equipping Medical Specialist Brigades with Specialized Medical Care. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2017; 338(3): 21–29. (In Rus.)

10. Popov A.V., Garmash O.A., Gromut A.A. About creation of system of aviammedical evacuation and emergency medical aid to the population of the Russian Federation. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster Medicine]. 2009; 67(3): 45–49. (In Rus.)

11. Goncharov S.F., Grebenyuk B.V., Radchenko I.V., Murin M.B., Chubayko V.G., Shabanov V.E. Activity of the All-Russian Service of Medicine of Disasters in Eliminating the Consequences of the Flood Situation in the Far Eastern Federal District. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster Medicine]. 2013; 84(4): 6–14. (In Rus.)

12. Goncharov S.F., Bobiy B.V., Bystrov M.V., Chernyak S.I., Chubayko V.G., Yuvakaev I.S. The main results of the Emergency Medicine Service of the Ministry of Health of Russia in 2015 and the tasks for 2016. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster Medicine]. 2016; 1: 5–13. (In Rus.)

13. Tyurin V.P., Sergoventsev A.A., Aksenfeld D.I. Conduction of noninvasive ventilation of the lungs to a patient with bilateral pneumonia of severe course. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Vestnik of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I.Pirogov]. 2016; 1: 139–140. (In Rus.)

14. Zaitsev A.A., Ovchinnikov Yu.V., Chernov S.A., Kondratieva Т.V. The use of severity scales for patients with community-acquired pneumonia in young patients. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2014; 335(3): 31–38. (In Rus.)

15. Sushilnikov S.I., Zakrevsky Yu.N., Shevchenko A.G., Peretecikov A.V., Panina Т.В. Organization and conduct of sanitary and aviation evacuation of the victim with severe combined trauma in the Arctic. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2016; 7: 54–56. (In Rus.)

16. Vlasov A.Yu., Schegolev A.V., Kurmanseitov M.M., Lyushnin Yu.V., Shelukhin D.A., Yakirevich I., Golomidov A. The first experience of transportation of a patient with severe respiratory failure in conditions of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2015; 336(4): 10–15. (In Rus.)

17. Shelukhin D.A., Pavlov A.I., Ershov A.L. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with severe respiratory failure and the first experience of its use during aviation medical evacuation in Russia. Mediko-biologicheskie i social’no-psihologicheskie problemy bezopasnosti v chrezvychajnyh situaciyah. [Medico-biological and socio-psychological problems of safety in emergency situations]. 2015; 3: 24–34. (In Rus.)

18. Chernyshev V.A. Socioenvironmental development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Ehkologiya cheloveka. [Human ecology]. 2011; 6: 3–4. (In Rus.)

19. Gunnarsson B., Jensen N.S., Gari T., Harardottir H., Stefansdottir L., Heimisdottir M. Air ambulance and hospital services for critically ill and injured in Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands: how can we improve? Int. J. Circumpolar Health. 2015; 74. URL: https: // www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4463496/ (accessed 20.03.2017).

20. Fisun A.Ya. Medical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: state and ways of improvement. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2014; 335(1): 4–16. (In Rus.)

21. Schmidt M., Stewart C., Bailey M., Nieszkowska A., Kelly J., Murphy L. Mechanical ventilation during an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory distress syndrome: a retrospective international multicenter study. Crit. Care Med. 2015; 43(3): 654–664.

3. Boikov A.A.1, Kremkov A.V.1, Grebennikov V.A.1, Kul’nev S.V.2, Lemeshkin R.N.2, Borisov D.N.2, Akimov A.G.2, Sidorov D.A.2 Results of Interagency Medical Special Tactical Exercises «Cooperation of Medical Forces and Facilities of Different Agencies in Liquidation of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Emergency Situations»

1 St. Petersburg state-funded health institution «City Station of Emergency Medical Service», St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

2 Federal state budgetary military educational institution of higher education «S.M. Kirov Medical Military Academy» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

The results are presented of an interagency medical special tactical exercises of units of medical service of Armed Forces and of mobile first-aid teams of St. Petersburg city first aid station. The problem areas of medical aid delivery, triaging and medical evacuation realization, information-statistics support of treatment and evacuation measures are discussed.

Key words: casualties, city first aid station, emergency situation, information support, interagency cooperation, interagency medical special tactical exercises, liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences, Medical Service of Armed Forces, patients, terror act, wounded


1. URL: http://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/09/07/vnezapnaya-proverka-voysk-centralnogo-okruga-prelyudiya-k-glavnym-ucheniyam-goda.html (accessed 05.05.2016).

2. URL: http://www.trud.ru/index.php/article/07-09-2015/1328720_rf_gotovit_ tyly_k_ vojne_ putin_ prikazal_proverit_rabotu_ vlastej_vo_ vremja_ uchenij.html (accessed 05.05.2016).

3. Goncharov S.F., et al. Lines and content of interaction of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine. Disaster Medicine: problems, status and prospects of development. Collected papers of the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” (to the 5th anniversary). Moscow, VCMK ”Zaschita” Publ., 1998, pp. 28–35. (In Rus.)

4. Shelepov A.M. et al. Organization of management by subordinate entities and facilities of the disaster medicine service and by medical forces of the public health civil defense: Study guide. St. Petersburg, Voenno-meditsinskaja akademija. Publ., 2012, 168 p. (In Rus.)

5. Prostakishin G.P., Sarmanayev S.Kh. Organization of chemical accidents medico-sanitary aftermath liquidation: Medical study guide. Moscow, VCMK ”Zaschita” Publ., 2015, 25 p. (In Rus.)

6. Sakhno I.I. Principles of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine governance. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal], 2000; 11: 17–25. (In Rus.)

7. Shelepov A.M., et al. Extreme and military medicine. St. Petersburg, NU «Centr strategicheskih iniciativ» Publ., 2012, pp. 80–117. (In Rus.)

8. О статистических формах Службы медицины катастроф Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития: приказ Минздравсоцразвития России от 3 февраля 2005 г. №112. М., 2005. 104 с.

8. On statistical data forms of the Service for Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health and Social Development: the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 03.02.2005 No 112. Moscow Publ., 2005, 104 p. (In Rus.)

4. Popov V.P., Rogozhina L.P., Kashevarova L.R. Emergency Medical Care Delivery to Casualties of Road Traffic Accidents on Federal Roads

State-funded health institution of the Sverdlovsk Region “Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine”, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation

The system is presented of emergency medical care delivery to casualties of road traffic accidents on federal roads in the territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast. The differences are noted in care delivered in cities, towns and in non-urban areas. The activity is discussed of the roadside service of Sverdlovsk Oblast consisting of 12 roadside facilities. The technologies used are characterized. The statistical data on facilities’ activity in last 4 years are given. The main issues of further development of roadside service are identified.

Key words: casualties, emergency medical care, Federal roads, Oblast standard of roadside facility activity organization, road traffic accidents, roadside facilities, roadside service, Service for Disaster Medicine, state standards of roadside service of the Russian Federation (draft), territorial center for disaster medicine

5. Ivanov I.V. 1,2,3, Sidorov V.A.3 Comparison of Habitability Factors of Medical Formations Deployed in Standard Tents, Pneumo-Framed Modules and in Containers

1 Federal state-funded research institution “Research Institute of Occupational Health”, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Federal state-funded educational institution of higher education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation

3 Federal state budgetary institution «State Scientific Research Test Institute of Military Medicine», St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

The assessment is made of the influence of habitability factors of medical formations’ deployment on ability of medical personnel to efficiently pursue its professional activities. A version of expert analysis of habitability factors of facilities with use of assessment of separate parameters of hygienic, ergonomic and protection factors is elaborated. It is found that the variances in the factors account for different levels of fatigue of medical personnel.

Key words: box van housing, container housing, ergonomic habitability factors, hygienic habitability factors, levels of fatigue, medical formations, pneumo-framed modules, protection habitability factors, standard tents



1. Kornyushko I.G., Yakovlev S.V., Medvedev V.R., Sidorov V.А. Experience in development of technical facilities for deployment of medical evacuation stages. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2011; 332;11: 79–83. (In Rus.)

2. Zhidik V.V., Bezborodov А.N., Lemeshkin R.N. et al. Activity of mobile hospital base in the emergency zone of natural and technological nature. Vestnik rossijskoj voenno-meditsinskoj akademii. [Vestnikvma]. 2014; 48(4): 193–195. (In Rus.)

3. Shelepov А.M., Sedov I.V., Zhukov А.А., Kanibolotsky М.N. Improvement of the organizational structure of motor rifle brigade hospital company in the modern conditions. Vestnik-rossijskoj-voenno-meditsinskoj-akademii. [Vestnikvma]. 2014; 48;4: 202–207. (In Rus.)

4. Goncharov S.F., Bystrov M.V., Tsinika G.V. Disaster medicine and emergency medical care: organization of emergency medical care in the liquidation of the emergency medico-sanitary aftermath. Medicina katastrof. [Disaster medicine]. 2015; 1: 15–18. (In Rus.)

5. Goncharov S.F., Bobiy B.V. Medical support of the population in armed conflicts. Medical study guide. Moscow, VCMK ”Zaschita” Publ., 2017, 123 p. (In Rus.)

6. Yakovlev S.V., Sidorov V.А., Kornyushko I.G. et al. Application of new technologies in the development, production and use of technical facilities for the deployment of field medical units and institutions. Voen.-med. zhurn. [Military Medical Journal]. 2011; 332;11: 55–62. (In Rus.)

7. Medvedev V.R., Bogomolov А.V., Murashev N.V., Sidorov V.A. Technical equipping of medical evacuation tactical and operational stages. Medicina katastrof i voennaya medicina. [Disaster medicine and military medicine]. 2011; 4: 95–103. (In Rus.)

8. Goncharov S.V., Zayets O.G. Evaluation and consideration of the moral and psychological factor in making by commanders of the decisions using automated troop command systems . Voennaya myisl. [Military thought]. 2015; 8: 3–7. (In Rus.)

9. Kornushko I.G., Yakovlev S.V., Murashev N.V. et al. Analysis of the engagement of field medical formations in the armies of NATO countries and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal. [Military Medical Journal]. 2011; 332; 12: 4–14. (In Rus.)

10. Antonov A.G., Ivanov I.V. Psychophysiological indices of operating specialists in the groups of high and low success of heuristic activities. Psychophysiology of human occupational health. Materials of the 4th All-Russian applied research conference devoted to 15th anniversary of the military psychophysiology department. St. Petersburg, Voenno-meditsinskaya akademiya, 2012, pp. 173–176. (In Rus.)


6. Boyarintsev V.V.1,2, Stazhadze L.L.2, Pas’ko V.G.2, Ardashev V.N.2, Spiridonova E.A.2, Chernov M.Yu.3, Markin G.E.2, Maksimov D.A.2 Early Diagnostics of Heart Damage in Closed Chest Injury Cases

1 Federal state-funded institution of supplementary vocational education “Central State Medical Academy” of Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Main Medical Department of Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russian Federation

3 Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russian Federation

It is noted that heart injuries is a burning issue in peace and war times and elaboration of efficient methods of early diagnostics of heart damage is one of vitally important tasks of medical science and practice.

Research Objective – is analysis of the issues of diagnostics and therapy of closed heart injuries at prehospital and early hospital stages.

Research Materials and Methods. An analysis was realized of case histories and supplementary sheets of 193 patients with closed chest injury as well as of 104 acts of medicolegal research.

Research Results and their Analysis. The results of the research have shown that the presence of set of symptoms (syndromes) used for early diagnostics of closed heart damage should be identified in patients with closed chest injury.

The principles and the preferable management regimen for such patients with the consideration of the suggested syndrome approach are presented.

Key words: closed chest injury, early diagnostics, early hospital stage, heart damages, prehospital stage, syndrome approach, therapy


1. Gumanenko E.K., Gavrilin S.I., Boyarintsev V.V., Kuzmin A.Y. Features of diagnostics, intensive care and surgical tactics in cases of myocardial contusion. Vestnik khirurgii. [Annals of surgery]. 1998; 157; 4: 53–56. (In Rus.)

2. Kochergaev O.V. Detection of myocardial contusion in cases of concomitant injury. Khirurgiya. Zhurnal im. N.I.Pirogova. [Journal Surgery named after N.I. Pirogov]. 2000; 9: 25–29. (In Rus.)

3. Barry J. et al. Commotio cordis . N. Engl. J. Med., 2010; 362: 917–927.

4. Bisenkov L.N., Soroka V.V. Diagnostics and treatment of closed heart injury at the pre-hospital stage. Pre-hospital medical guidelines. St. Petersburg Publ., 1983, 4 p. (In Rus.)

5. Military field surgery of local wars and armed conflicts: Medical guidance. Edited by Gumanenko E.K., Samokhvalov I.M. Moscow, GEOTAR-Media Publ., 2011, 672 p. (In Rus.)

6. Golikov A.P., Borisenko A.P. Heart injuries: Cardiological guide. Moscow Publ., 1982, v.3, pр. 450–466. (In Rus.)

7. Feliciano D., Mattox L., Moore E. Trauma. Translated from English. Volume 3. Laboratoriya znanij. 2013, 736 p. (In Rus.)

8. Morsy M. et al. Complete heart block and asystole following blunt cardiac trauma. J. Com. Internal. medicine perspectives, 2015; 5: 1–3.

9. Korpacheva O.V. Mekhanizmy formirovaniya miokardial’noj disfunkcii i metabolicheskaya citoprotekciya pri ushibe serdca (ehksperimental’noe issledovanie). Diss. dokt. med. nauk. [Mechanisms of myocardial dysfunction formation and metabolic cytoprotection in cases of heart injury (experimental study). Dr. habil. in Medicine diss.]. 14.00.16. Omsk Publ., 2009, 230 p. (In Rus.)

10. Curca C., Ceausu M., Dermengiu D., Popov P. Delayed sudden death determined by right atrial contusion. Rom. J. Leg. Med., 2008; 16: 243–246.

11. Dermengiu D., Ceausu M., Rusu M., Capatona C., Hostiuc S., Curca C. Medical legal implications of cardiac contusion – case report. Rom. J. Leg. Med., 2010; 2: 83–94.

12. Malbranque G., Serfaty J.M., Himbert D., Steg P.G., Laissy J.P. Myocardial infarction after blunt chest trauma:usefulness of cardiac ECG-gated CT and MRI for positive and aetiologic diagnosis. Emerg. Radiol., 2011; 18; 3: 271–274.

13. Sonali Arora A., Auras R., Srikanth C. et al. Cardio-embolic stroke following remote blunt chest trauma. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, 2013; 3; 4: 61–64.

14. Salim A., Velmahos G.C., Jindal A. et al. Clinically significant blunt cardiac trauma: role of serum troponin levels combined with electrocardiographic findings. J. Trauma, 2001; 50: 237–243.

7. Ryzhik V.S., Ripp O.G., Timkin V.A. Psychological Constitution of Medical Workers

State-funded public health institution “Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of the Republic of Buryatia”, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation

An empirical research of psychological constitution of medical workers was carried out including study of burnout and the prevailing temperament type. Such structures of burnout as psychoemotional depletion, self-estrangement, professional motivation and the prevailing temperament type were studied proceeding from extroversion/introversion levels and neuroticism.

The results of the research have shown that medical workers compared to people in other professions demonstrate higher expressed neuroticism, psychoemotional depletion, self-estrangement, and the level of burnout. The prevailing temperament types in medical profession are melancholic and phlegmatic and the highest burnt out types are melancholic and choleric. The optimal temperament type with higher stress-factor resistance and less expressed burnout syndrome is the combination of phlegmatic and sanguine types.

Key words: burnout syndrome, extroversion, introversion, medical worker, neuroticism, mental depletion, stress, temperament


1. Vodopyanova N.E. Mental burnout. Stomatolog, 2002; 7: 12. (In Rus.)

2. Freudenberger H.J. Staff burnout. Journal of Social Issues, 1974; 30: 159–165.

3. Boyko V.V. Rules of emotional behavior. Saint Petersburg Publ., 1998. (In Rus.)

4. Kochyunas R. Fundamental principles of counseling. Moscow, Akademichesky Proekt Publ., 1990, 240 p. (In Rus.)

5. Maslach C., Jachson S.E. The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 1981; 2: 99–113.

6. Babanov S.A. Lifestyle of medical staff. Vrach. [The Doctor]. 2007; May. (In Rus.)

8. Abramova G.S., Yudenich Y.A. Psychology in medicine. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1998, 244 p. (In Rus.)

9. Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuylov G.М. Identification of mental burnout (A.A.Rukavishnikov). Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality and small groups development. Moscow Publ., 2002, pp. 357-360. (In Rus.)

7. Kosarev V.V., Babanov S.A. Occupational diseases of medical staff. Samara, Ofort Publ., 2009, 232 p. (In Rus.)

10. EPI personality inventory (methodology of G.Eysenck). Almanac of psychological tests. Moscow Publ., 1995, pp. 217–224. (In Rus.)


8. Isaeva I.V. Experience of Use and Problem Issues of Medical Evacuation by «Ansat» Helicopter in Republic of Tatarstan

State autonomous public health institution Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Republican Center for Disaster Medicine, Kazan, Russian Federation

The activity is discussed of sanitary aviation ward of the Republican Center for Disaster Medicine of the Republican clinical hospital of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan in sanitary aviation evacuation with use of helicopters and in preparation of aeromedical teams specialists in 2015, 2016 and the first half-year period of 2017. The problem issues of the use of “Ansat” helicopter for the mentioned purposes are presented. The prospects of the development of the Republic’s sanitary aviation for the next 3 years are defined.

Key words: helicopter “Ansat”, helicopters, preparation of aeromedical teams specialists, sanitary aviation evacuation, sanitary aviation ward of the Republican Center for Disaster Medicine


1. Lobanov G.P., Sakhno I.I., Goncharov S.F. et al. Principles of organization of medical and evacuation support in the liquidation of the emergency medico-sanitary aftermath. Medical study guide. Moscow, VCMK ”Zaschita” Publ., 2001, 43 p. (In Rus.)

2. Garmash O.A. Ehkstrennaya konsul’tativnaya medicinskaya pomoshch’ v Rossijskoj Federacii. Diss. … kand. med. nauk. [Emergency medical advisory service in the Russian Federation. Cand. med. sci. diss.]. Moscow Publ., 2015. 567 p. (In Rus.)

3. Garmash O.A., Banin I.N., Popov V.P., Baranova N.N., Popov A.V., Shilkin I.P. Organization of emergency medical advisory service and medical evacuation. Guidelines. Moscow, VCMK ”Zaschita” Publ., 2015, 174 p. (In Rus.)

9. Malinovsky S.V., Radivilko K.S. Results of Activity of Emergency Consultative Medical Care Ward of Kemerovo Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine in 2012–2016

State-funded public health institution “Kemerovo Regional Center for Disaster Medicine”, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

The results of activity of emergency consultative medical care ward of Kemerovo Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine in 2012-2016 are presented. The structure, workforce and equipment of the ward are discussed. The data are given on the number and specifics of calls, their results, on the number of surgical measures and so on. The problems complicating the functioning of the ward are indicated.

Key words: calls, consultations, emergency consultative medical care ward, Kemerovo Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine, medical evacuation, surgical measures


10. Parkhomchuk D.S. Experience of Sanitary and Disease Control Population Support in Environment of Complicated Emergency Situation in South-East of Ukraine

State Institution Lugansk National Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine Center of Lugansk People’s Republic, Lugansk, Ukraine

The experience of organizing of sanitary and disease control population support in the environment of complicated emergency situation in South-East of Ukraine is summarized.

It is shown that the priority tasks of sanitary and epidemiological service in complicated emergency situation environment are – supplying health facilities with treatment-and-prophylactic bacteriophages, creation of their reserves as well as of reserves of drugs and individual protective means against the possibility of massive inflow of patients with severe intestinal diseases and flu; provision of test systems, culture media, diagnostic agents and chemical agents; securing of preparedness for hospitalization of 50 or more patients with acute infectious diseases at a time; stepping up of prophylactic work among population.

Key words: complicated emergency situation, population, sanitary and disease control support, South-East of Ukraine


1. Butaev T.M. Characteristics of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and socio-hygienic monitoring in emergency situations in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Gigiena-i-sanitariya [Hygiene and sanitation]. 2008;1: 83.

2. Levchuk I.P., Tretyakov N.V. Disaster medicine. Course of lectures. Study guide for medical higher education institutions. Moscow, GEOTAR-Media Publ., 2011, 240 р.

3. Sanitary and antiepidemic support of the population in emergency situations: Guide. Moscow, MP-Gigiena Publ., 2006, 550 р.

4. Smbatyan S.M. Development of the health care preventive focus. Materials of “Actual problems of public health” research-to-practice conference. Pushkino Publ., 2009, рр. 38–39.

5. Bliznyuk A.M., Guzovskaya T.S., Chistenko G.N. Theoretical and methodical basis of anti-epidemic measures: Study guide. Medical study guide. Minsk, BGMU Publ., 2008, 62 р.

6. Aleshnya V.V., Zhuravlev P.V., Golovina S.V. et al. Importance of indicator microorganisms in evaluation the microbial risk of epidemiological danger in drinking water consumption. Gigiena-i-sanitariya [Hygiene and sanitation]. 2008; 2: 23–27.

7. Проблемы профилактики и борьбы с особо опасными, экзотическими и малоизученными инфекционными болезнями животных: Труды междунар. науч.-практ. конф., посвящ. 50-летию ГНУ ВНИИВВиМ (Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт ветеринарной вирусологии и микробиологии).

7. Problems of the prevention and control of highly dangerous, exotic and understudied infectious animal diseases: Materials of research-to-practice conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the State Science Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Pokrov Publ., 2008, 210 р.


11. Kolodkin A.A.1,2, Kolodkina V.I. 2, Vladimirova O.V. 3, Murav’yova A.A.3 Teaching of Pedagogical Staff of Educational Institutions in First-Aid Delivery Skills

1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Federal state-funded educational institution of higher education “Kuban State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

3 Federal state-funded educational institution of higher education “Stavropol State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Stavropol, Russian Federation

The problems of teaching of pedagogical staff of educational institutions in skills of delivery of first aid to children and of perfection of preparation of pedagogical specialists for delivery of such care are discussed.

The answers of pedagogical staff of pre-school educational institutions, of schools and entities of additional education of Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories to the questions of a form and of a test questionnaire are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn on urgent necessity of training of the contingent in first-aid delivery to children in full scope and in separate spheres, in particular in realization of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The suggestions are made on perfecting of health protection of students and of first-aid delivery to children.

Key words: basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, children, educational institutions, first aid, pedagogical staff, teaching


1. On education in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012, No 273-FZ. (In Rus.)

2. On the approval of the Uniform job evaluation catalogue of posts of managers, experts and employees, section “Qualification profile of the positions of educators” dated August 26, 2010 No 761n. Ed. May 5, 2011. (In Rus.)

3. On the approval of the Procedure for provision of medical care to minors, in particular during the period of studies and education in educational institutions: order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 2013 No 822n. (In Rus.)

4. URL:http://fgosreestr.ru/registry/primernaya-osnovnaya-obrazovatelnaya-programma- srednego-obshhego-obrazovaniya/

5. Kuzovlev A.N., Kolodkin A.A. Characteristics of training of teachers in the issues of first aid and basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, considering the Recommendations of the European Council for Resuscitation dated 2015. [International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research]. 2017; 4-1: 153–156. (In Rus.)

6. Guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council for the accomplishment of resuscitation measures (revised in 2010). Edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.V.Moroz. Moscow, OOO «Gran-pri» Publ., 2011, 520 p. (In Rus.)

7. Guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council for the accomplishment of resuscitation measures (revised in 2015). Edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.V.Moroz. Moscow, NIIOR, NSP Publ., 2016, 192 p. (In Rus.)


12. Troshina S.V., Troshin D.A., Kochin I.V. Pharmaceutical help to population in emergency situations

State Institute «Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine», Zaporozhe, Ukraine

Legislative and regulatory legal acts that cover delivery of pharmaceutical aid to injured people in emergency areas are analyzed. The following issues are substantiated: the expediency of deployment and functioning of pharmacies in adapted premises with the right of provision of extemporary preparations in emergency situation environment; the necessity of elaboration and realization of a complex of normative-methodological commitments aimed at perfection of material and technical base of pharmacies and training of pharmaceutical personnel for stable functioning in emergency situations.

Key words: emergency area, extemporary preparations, injured people, legislative basis, pharmaceutical aid, pharmaceutical personnel, pharmaceuticals, pharmacies


1. Vasina Yu.V. Pharmaceutical law: the study and generalization of the extemporal formulation in Ukraine as a measure of counteracting inappropriate use of medicines. Farmatsiya Ukrainy. Vzglyad v budushchee. Materialy VII Natsional’nogo s’ezda farmatsevtov Ukrainy, 15–17 sentyabrya 2010 goda, Khar’kov. [Pharmacy of Ukraine. Looking to the future. Materials of the VІІ National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine, September 15–17, 2010, Kharkоv]. Khar’kov Publ., 2010; 2: 468. (In Ukr.).

2. Dmitrievskiy D.V., Uyrchenko G.A. Analysis of the state of medical provision of patients with burn injuries who suffered as a result of emergency situations. Lekarstva Ukrainy. [The Medicines of Ukraine]. 2001; 5: 11–13. (In Ukr.).

3. Dmitrievskiy D.V., Nemchenko A.S. Priorities of organizational and economic science and education in the development of domestic pharmacy. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoi. konf., 3­–4 marta 2005, goda, Khar’kov. [Materials Sciences.-Practical. Conf., March 3–4, 2005, Kharkоv]. Kharkоv, View of the NFUU Publ., 2005, pp. 72–77. (In Ukr.).

4. Dmitrievskiy D.V., Sjram N.A. Formation of a list of medicines for the provision of urgent medical care when poisoning with potent poisonous substances. Materialy V Nats. s’ezda farmatsevtov Ukrainy «Dostizheniya sovremennoi farmatsii i perspektivy ee razvitiya v novom tysyacheletii» [Materials V National Ukraine Pharmacists Congress “Achievements of Modern Pharmacy and Prospects for its Development in the New Millennium”]. Kharkоv, View of UkrFA Publ., 2014, pр. 77–78. (In Ukr).

5. Egorova S.N., Nevolina E.V. Pharmacy production of dosage forms: problems requiring legal solutions. Vestnik Roszdravnadzora. [Bulletin of health inspection]. 2013; 6: 36–39. (In Rus.).

6. Kalinyuk T.G., Oleinik S.P. Justification of the method for determining the need for antibiotics for the treatment of infectious diseases in emergency situations. Farmatsevticheskij zhurnal. [Pharmaceutical journal]. 2010; 4: 32–37. (In Ukr).

7. Korotkikh P.P., Nyanin L.A. Characteristics of the organization of medical care in the event of mass medical losses. Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal. [Military Medical Journal]. 2014; 12: 19–20. (In Rus.).

8. Nemchenko A.S., Uyrchenko G.A. . Substantiation of methodological approaches to the organization of medicinal support to the population in the event of emergencies. Farmatsiya Ukrainy. Vzglyad v budushchee. Materialy VII Natsional’nogo s’ezda farmatsevtov Ukrainy, 15–17 sentyabrya 2010 goda, Khar’kov. [Pharmacy of Ukraine. Looking to the future. Materials of the VІІ National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine, September 15–17, 2010, Kharkоv]. Khar’kov Publ., 2010; 2: 357. (In Ukr.).

9. The Concept of the Pharmaceutical Sector Development in the Ukrainian Health Care Industry for 2011–2020. URL: http:/www.nau.ua/druk.php?name=340086-13092010-0.txt (accessed 12.12.2016). (In Ukr.).

10. Kosyachenko K.L. Issledovanie nomenklatury lekarstvennykh sredstv, izgotavlivaemykh v aptekakh. Farmatsiya Ukrainy. Vzglyad v budushchee. Materialy VII Natsional’nogo s’ezda farmatsevtov Ukrainy, 15–17 sentyabrya 2010 goda, Khar’kov. [Pharmacy of Ukraine. Looking to the future. Materials of the VІІ National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine, September 15–17, 2010, Kharkоv]. Khar’kov Publ., 2010; 2: 326. (In Ukr.).

11. Oleinik P.V., Kalinyuk T.G. Extreme Medicine: Organization of Pharmacy Work in Emergency Situations: Textbook. Ed. Kalinyuk T.G. Kiev, Mediсina Publ., 2010, 448 р. (In Ukr.).


13. Kozhemyako O.V. 1, Bakulina A.Yu.1, Zeiler E.I.1, Zhiburt E.B.2 Blood Transfusion Errors in Emergency Situation

Territorial state-funded public health institution «Territorial hemotransfusion station» of the Ministry of Health of Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

Federal state-funded institution “National Pirogov Medical Surgical Centre” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

An instance of negative experience in organization of treatment of a heavy casualty with polytrauma in a central regional hospital is presented. The reasons for the error in blood transfusion are analyzed.

Key words: blood group, blood transfusion, central regional hospital, error, heavy casualty with polytrauma, transfusion reaction


1. Zhiburt E.B., Gubanova M.N., Shestakov E.A., Ismailov H.G. Clinical need in blood components is changing. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center]. 2008; 3; 1: 60–67. (In Rus.)

2. Zhiburt E.B., Shestakov E.A., Karavaev A.V. Blood transfusion efficacy: role of process organization. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center]. 2011; 6; 4: 69–71. (In Rus.)

3. Zhiburt E.B., Karavaev A.V., Glazov K.N., Shestakov E.A. Errors of primamy blood grouping by clinician. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center]. 2012; 7; 3: 113–115. (In Rus.)

4. Zhiburt E.B., Madzaev S.R., Shestakov E.A., Fajbushevich A.G., Protopopova E.B. Medical and economical efficacy of restrictive blood transfusion strategy. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center]. 2015; 10; 1: 100–102. (In Rus.)

5. Gubanova M.N., Kopchenko T.G., Karavaev A.V., Shestakov E.A., Zhiburt E.B. Sistem of transfusion reaction prevention in region of the Russian Federation. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center]. 2010; 5; 2:97–102. (In Rus.)

6. Zhiburt E.B., Shestakov E.A., Karavaev A.V., Kljueva E.A., Gubanova M.N. Near-miss transfusion reaction. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center]. 2010; 5; 1: 84–88. (In Rus.)

7. Shestakov E.A., Suhorukova I.I., Kljueva E.A., Zhiburt E.B. Wrong blood in the donor bag. Vestnik Nacional’nogo mediko-hirurgicheskogo centra im. N.I.Pirogova. [Bulletin of Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center]. 2010; 5; 1: 109–112. (In Rus.)

8. Kozhemjako O.V., Bakulina A.Ju., Zejler E.I., Zhiburt E.B. Wrong blood group red blood cells have been transfused. What medical actions were the error reason? Zamestitel’ glavnogo vracha. [Deputy head doctor.]. 2017; 7: 40–47. (In Rus.)