Original article
Innovative Approach to Assessing Resistance Organism to Toxic Effects of Oxygen
Balakin E.I. 1, Samoylov A.S. 1, Apryshko O.E. 1, Krasnobay S.V. 1, Yurku N.N. 1, Kuropatkin V.A. 1
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1 State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDC 615.9:612.273
Pp. 22-29
Summary. The purpose of the study is to develop a prognostic model based on a minimum and sufficient number of simple and standard indicators of heart rate variability (HRV), capable of determining the resistance of the organism to the toxic effect of oxygen.
Materials and methods: 255 volunteers participated in the study: 109 women (mean age 23.9±5.7 years) and 146 men (mean age 25.7±5.4 years). All participants underwent hyperbaric oxygenation. To improve accuracy and confirm the obtained results, HRV measurements were performed in three stages: at rest, during the hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) procedure and after its completion.
Results of the study and their analysis. In the group of individuals resistant to the toxic effect of oxygen, the coincidence of the predicted and actual result was 83.3%. For the group with medium resistance, a higher coincidence of 91.8% was observed. In the group with low tolerance, the accuracy of the model was 91.7%.
- Changes in HRV indices are caused by the processes of regulation of the organism of the examined volunteers in response to oxygen exposure in conditions of increased ambient partial pressure.
- Significant (p<0.05) predictive indices of HRV, such as VLF log, stress index, SD2/SD1 ratio, NNxx, max HR, alpha 2, LF log, VLF Hz, LF/HF ratio, ApEn, whose values should be used in the developed linear function formulas, were identified.
- The developed model demonstrates high prognostic ability (89.4%), allowing timely and reliably (p<0.05) to determine the level of organism resistance to the toxic effect of oxygen.
Keywords: body resistance level, differential diagnosis, heart rate variability, hyperbaric oxygenation, inhalation approach, oxygen toxicity
For citation: Balakin E.I., Samoylov A.S., Apryshko O.E., Krasnobay S.V., Yurku N.N., Kuropatkin V.A. Innovative Approach to Assessing Resistance Organism to Toxic Effects of Oxygen. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2024;4:22-29 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2024-4-22-29
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The material was received 29.07.24; the article after peer review procedure 06.08.24; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 05.12.24