Original article
The Concept of Creating a System for Monitoring the State of Health and Risk Management of the Personnel of Enterprises Supervised by Federal Medical and Biological Agency and the Population of the Adjacent Territories
Soloviev V.Yu.1, Tsovyanov A.G.1, Vasilyev E.V.1, Pustovoit V.I.1
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1 State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDC 614.2+004.77
Pp. 5-9
Purpose of the study. Formulation of the concept of creating a system for monitoring the health status and risk management of personnel of enterprises supervised by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, and the population of adjacent territories.
Results. The proposed concept provides for the formation of a Register – a distributed database of personnel of enterprises supervised by the FMBA of Russia and the population of adjacent territories. In the structure of the Register (code name “FMBA-health”) the main link is the PERSON section. Each person included in the Register (employee of supervised enterprises or residing in territories supervised by FMBA of Russia) has his own strictly unique code. Identification data about the person is linked to this code (subject to the requirements of the Personal Data Law). The register provides the following main data sections: “Health” (with possible subsections “Oncology”, “Occupational diseases”, “Disability”, etc.), “Enterprise” contains information about the employee of the enterprise (or part of it in the pilot project) and working conditions, associated with the analyzed hazard factors, “Place of residence” (with data on natural or technogenically modified characteristics of the natural environment). The mathematical theory of assessing the total production risk is presented on the basis of published works with the participation of the authors. The most developed and actually functioning is the ESCID system of the FMBA of Russia – collecting information about the radiation factor.
The theoretical provisions of the concept of man-made risk management are given within the framework of a three-tier system of social protection and medical assistance to personnel of production facilities with hazardous and especially hazardous working conditions: the first link is related to working conditions, the second – with the provision of specialized medical care, including in-depth early diagnosis for medical reasons, and the third – associated with the possibility of compensation payments to sick employees based on establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between working conditions and a diagnosed disease (insured event).
Key words: concept, enterprise personnel, Federal Medical and Biological Agency, harmful production factors, health, health monitoring and risk management system, occupational diseases, population of adjacent territories, risks
For citation: Soloviev V.Yu., Tsovyanov A.G., Vasilyev E.V., Pustovoit V.I. The Concept of Creating a System for Monitoring the State of Health and Risk Management of the Personnel of Enterprises Supervised by Federal Medical and Biological Agency and the Population of the Adjacent Territories. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2024;1:5-9 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2024-1-5-9
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The material was received 14.12.23; the article after peer review procedure 06.02.24; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 13.03.24