
Original article

Work of Operations and Management Service of Moscow Department of Health under Conditions of Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020-2022

Veklich A.V.1

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1 Moscow Territorial Scientific and Practical Center for Disaster Medicine (TSEMP) of the Moscow City Health Department, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDC 614.4(470-25)

Pp. 24-29

Summary. The aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the Operations and Management Service (OMS) of Moscow Department of Health under the conditions of pandemic COVID-19 in 2020-2022.

Materials and research methods. Materials of the study were statistical data on the activities of the Operations and Management Service for oral appeals of citizens and rapid response in 2020-2022: reporting forms of the Operations and Management Service (OMS) of Moscow Department of Health, containing data on the daily monitoring of the work of paramedics on the reception and transfer of calls; daily reports on the work done, as well as regulatory legal acts on the issues of medical provision for the population.

Applied research methods were statistical and analytical.

Results of the study and their analysis. The experience of work of the Operations and Management Service (OMS) of Moscow Department of Health during the pandemic COVID-19 in 2020-2022 is presented. By the example of the work of the Operations and Management Service (OMS) of Moscow Department of Health the importance of partnerships that ensure smooth operation of medical organizations of Moscow to provide timely medical care in an emergency epidemiological situation is revealed.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, emergency epidemiological situation, informing citizens, megapolis, Moscow Department of Health, Operations and Management Service, population, rapid response, reception of appeals

For citation: Veklich A.V. Work of Operations and Management Service of Moscow Department of Health under Conditions of Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020-2022. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2023;3:24-29 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2023-3-24-29



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The material was received 11.05.23; the article after peer review procedure 18.08.23; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.09.23