Original article
Analysis of the Experience of Work to Elimination of Medical-Sanitary Consequences of Emergency Situations Provided by Specialists of Unregular Formers of Service of Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia
Ovcharenko A.P. 1, Lemeshkin R.N. 1, Tolstosheev V.N. 1, Luchshev A.V. 1
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1 Kirov Military Medical Academy of Russian Ministry of Defense, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDC 614.8
Pp. 9-13
Summary. Investigation purposes – to define a presence of work experience in elimination of medical-sanitary consequences of emergency situations (ES) among medical specialists of unregular formers (UF) of Service of disaster medicine (SDM) of Ministry of Health of Russia and Federal medical and biological agency of Russia (FMBA of Russia).
Materials and methods of the investigation: To provide the investigation a survey of the specialists of UF of SDM of Ministry of Health of Russia and FMBA of Russia.
206 medical specialists from medical treatment organizations (MTO) of Ministry of Health of Russia and 49 medical specialists from MTO of FMBA of Russia were involved in research.
Programs IBM® SPSS® Statistics version 25 and PAST 4.0 were used for statistic processing of investigation results. The most reliable modern non-parametric methods of statistic processing were realized in these programs.
Results of investigation and their analysis. During assessing of frequency of medical specialists involvement in work were established that in most cases medical specialists from MTO of Ministry of Health of Russia were attracted to performance their duties in a UF only for trainings according to the schedule – 56,3 and 61,2% respectively. Specialists from FMBA of Russia worked in UF more frequently, 14,3% were attracted to this activity once a year. Notable that 37,4 % of specialists of MTO of Ministry of Health of Russia and 20,4% of specialists of MTO of FMBA of Russia formally included in unregular formers were never attracted to work in UF.
According to the authors, a reasonable conclusion is a necessity of optimization and intensification of preparation of medical specialists from different departments by creation of unified program for their preparation and rotation with simultaneously control of the quality of medical treatment provision for victims and patients in case of ES.
Keywords: elimination of medical-sanitary consequences, emergency situations, Federal Medical and Biological Agency, medical specialists, medical treatment organizations, Service of disaster medicine, unregular formers
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest
For citation: Ovcharenko A.P., Lemeshkin R.N., Tolstosheev V.N., Luchshev A.V. Analysis of the Experience of Work to Elimination of Medical-Sanitary Consequences of Emergency Situations Provided by Specialists of Unregular Formers of Service of Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2023;1:9-13 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2023-1-9-13
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The material was received 06.09.22; the article after peer review procedure 20.01.23; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.03.23