Original article
Organization and Provision of Specialized Medical Treatment for Victims with Burns in the Russian Federation
Alekseev A.A. 1,2, Malyutina N.B. 1,2, Bobrovnikov A.E. 1,2, Filimonov K.A. 1
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1 A.V.Vishnevskiy Centre of Surgery of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDC 614.8+616-001.17
Pp. 29-35
Summary. Investigation purpose – to research the conditions of organization and provision of specialized medical treatment on the profile “surgery (combustiology)” basing on the data from informational-analytic system “Combustiological treatment in Russia”.
Material and methods of the investigation. In the basis of research – reports from 120 medical treatment organizations (MTO) in the year 2021 and some date from previous years reports.
Investigation results and their analysis. In 2021 in the Russian Federation a specialized treatment for victims with burns was provided in 63 burns departments/centers, including 7 children departments/centers, and on profiled burns bunks in surgical and combustiological departments. Summary there were 44886 patients with burns and their consequences got treatment. More than 79% of adults and 95% of children with burns entered the stage of specialized treatment at the time less than 72 hours after injury. Average duration of patients stay on the bunks was 17,8 bunk-days – for adults and 11,0 bunk-days – for adults, Summary lethality among the adults was in average number for the Russian Federation 7,7%; among the children – 0,3%.
A conclusion was made that improvement of organization and provision of medical treatment on all stages of medical evacuation and treatment of victims with burns allow to improve the nearest and far results of this category of patients treatment.
Key words: burns consequences, burns departments, burns, combustiology, Russian Federation, specialized medical treatment, victims with burns
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest
For citation: Alekseev A.A., Malyutina N.B., Bobrovnikov A.E., Filimonov K.A. Organization and Provision of Specialized Medical Treatment for Victims with Burns in the Russian Federation. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2023;1:29-35 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2023-1-29-35
- Alekseyev A.A., Lavrov V.A. Topical Issues of the Organization and the State of Medical Care for Burn Victims in the Russian Federation. Kombustiologiya. 2008;35.
URL: http://combustiolog.ru/number_journal/nomer-35-2008/ (In Russ.).
The material was received 24.01.23; the article after peer review procedure 31.01.23; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.03.23