
Short report

Actual Issues of Preparation of Medical Force and Means of Service of Disaster Medicine of Altay Region within the Framework of the Command-Staff and Tactical-Special Exercises

Zimina E.V. 1,2

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1 Altay Regional Center for Disaster Medicine KGBUZ “Emergency Station”, Barnaul, Russian Federation

2 Altay State Medical University, Barnaul, Russian Federation

UDC 614.88

Pp. 14-17

Summary. Investigation purposes – to make reasonable a usage of equipment report card of specialized medical-nurses teams (MNT) of Service of disaster medicine (SDM) of Altay region (Service), made for elimination of medical-sanitary consequences of emergency situations (ES), including cases of conducting antiterrorists operations; to teach specialists, according to crated situation exercises, from Service a skills of medical sorting conduction of victims and injured with gunshot and shrapnel wounds in the conditions of field medical sorting point (FMSP).

Materials and methods of investigation. Investigation materials – normative legal acts in the spere of organization and conducting of antiterrorists exercises with attracting of forces and means of SDM, including material of inter-department work group which leads by deputy Governor of Altay region. Legislative and regulatory framework were analyzed. Experience of conducting a command-staff exercises (CSE) and elimination of medical-sanitary losses, including losses in case of antiterrorists operations, was researched. It allowed to assess a system of medical treatment provision and to develop a complex of measures for Service improvement. During summarizing of exercises results of the intermediaries reference was analyzed.

Investigation results and their analysis. During the exercise to eliminate a medical-sanitary consequences of ES a work of Service forces and measures in pre-hospital periods was organized; FMSP was deployed; Ensuring of temporary medical points for providing round-the-clock urgent medical help in the points of temporary placement (PTP) of population by the forces of SDM was provided for; Provision of psychological help was ensured by specialists from Altay region clinical psychiatrist hospital named after Y.K. Ardman. In addition, members of unregular former of Altay region bureau of forensic medical examination were on alert. This way, all forces and measures of SDM were ready for the elimination of medical-sanitary consequences of ES according to the plan for municipal formers.

Key words:
Altay region, ambulance crew, antiterrorist operation, command-staff exercise, emergency situation, first aid, injured, medical evacuation, medical sorting, medical treatment, medical-evacuation ensuring, Service of disaster medicine, tactical-special exercise, territorial center of disaster medicine, victims

For citation: Zimina E.V. Actual Issues of Preparation of Medical Force and Means of Service of Disaster Medicine of Altay Region within the Framework of the Command-Staff and Tactical-Special Exercises. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2023;1:14-17 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2023-1-14-17



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The material was received 27.02.23; the article after peer review procedure 10.03.23; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.03.23