Original article
Provision of Medical Assistance to Patients and Injured with the Use of Air Ambulance in the Republic of Crimea
Olefirenko S.S.1, Lyulko O.M.1, Shvets A.V.1
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1 Crimean Republican Center for Disaster Medicine and Emergency Medical Care, Simferopol, Russian Federation
UDC 614.88:614.883
Pp. 64–67
Summary. The aim of the study is to evaluate the work of aviation medical teams of the Territorial Disaster Medicine Center of the Republic of Crimea in the field of sanitary aviation evacuation and rendering emergency consultative medical aid to the patients and victims of emergencies.
Materials and research methods. Materials of the study — service documentation on the work of the department of the emergency consultative medical aid of the territorial disaster medicine center of the Republic of Crimea in 2019-2021. Research methods – analytical and statistical.
Results of the study and their analysis. Sanitary aviation evacuation of patients and victims of emergencies in the Republic of Crimea is performed on the Ansat helicopter by a full-time aviation medical team of resuscitation profile with attraction — if it is necessary — of other specialists. The results of the work of the sanitary aviation of the Republic of Crimea in 2019-2021 are presented.
Based on the results of the study, proposals were made to improve the quality of air ambulance evacuations. Among them: organization of short-term courses on acquainting aviation medical teams members with basics of aviation medicine, aviation ergonomics and psychophysiology of flight crews’ activity; training of flight crew (pilot, navigator) in basics of air ambulance evacuation; conducting “on the ground” with non-members of aviation medical teams instructional lessons and trainings on the rules of airborne medical equipment operation, etc.
Keywords: air ambulance, air ambulance evacuation, aviation medical team, emergencies, emergency consultative medical aid and medical evacuation department, patients, Republic of Crimea, Territorial Disaster Medicine Center, victims
For citation: Olefirenko S.S., Lyulko O.M., Shvets A.V. Provision of Medical Assistance to Patients and Injured with the Use of Air Ambulance in the Republic of Crimea. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;4:64-67 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-4-64-67
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The material was received 08.08.22; the article after peer review procedure 25.11.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.12.22