Informational article
Decade of Problems and Solutions: to the Anniversary of the Chair of Emergency Medicine and Injury Surgery of the First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I.P. Pavlov
Minnullin I.P.1,2, Razumnyy N.V.1, Sinenchenko A.G.1,2
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1 Emergency Medical Care Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
2 St. Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDC 614.88(470+571)
Pp. 21-28
Summary. The history of the creation and activity of the Chair of Emergency Medicine and Injury Surgery of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I.P. Pavlov is presented. The main stages of the development of the chair are considered, the scientific potential of the chair and the work of its staff in the creation of the system of emergency and urgent medical care for the population of the city are discribed. It is noted that starting from 2012 the members of the chair in cooperation with the specialists of St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Care named after I.I. Dzhanelidze made a significant contribution to solving scientific and practical, organizational and methodological problems in the field of emergency medical care in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Chair of Emergency Medicine and Injury Surgery, emergency and urgent medical care, First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I.P. Pavlov, St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Care named after I.I. Dzhanelidze
For citation: Minnullin I.P., Razumnyy N.V., Sinenchenko A.G. Decade of Problems and Solutions: to the Anniversary of the Chair of Emergency Medicine and Injury Surgery of the First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I.P. Pavlov. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;4:21-28 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-4-21-28
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The material was received 14.09.22; the article after peer review procedure 23.09.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.12.22