
Review article

Application of Kinesiotaping In Rehabilitation of Employees of Power Structures Involved in Elimination of Emergencies Consequences

Samoylov A.S.1, Velichko M.N.1, Belyakova A.M.1, Rylova N.V.1, Kazakov V.F.1, Bolshakov I.V.1

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1 State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDC 616-009.7:614.84

Pp. 47–50

Summary. The aim of the study was to determine the current evidence base for the effectiveness of kinesiotaping in Russian EMERCOM employees suffering from osteoarthritis of knee joint.

Materials and research methods. The data of the Russian and foreign literature on the efficacy of the kinesiotaping method in osteoarthritis were analyzed. The research was performed using electronic databases MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, eLIBRARY and PEDro for the period from 2007 till 2021. The following key words and their combinations were used: kinesioteaping, knee joint, osteoarthritis, rehabilitation.

Study results and their analysis. More than 1,000 articles were found and analyzed as a result of the search. Seven studies met the inclusion criteria.

Analysis of the results of the study led to the following conclusions:

  1. Kinesiotaping can be considered a proven method of pain reduction without any side effects.
  2. A positive effect of kinesiotaping on proprioreception and range of motion in the joint has been established.
  3. At the same time, the evidence base for positive effects of kinesiotaping as an effective rehabilitation tool is ambiguous, which suggests the need for further research.
  4. The lack of standardization of the type of kinesiotape used, its adhesive qualities, thickness, elasticity, place of application and duration of wear make it difficult to determine the effectiveness of kinesiotaping in patients with osteoarthritis.
  5. Since most studies have involved people under 30 years of age, it remains unclear whether age-related changes in skin texture and structure affect the effects of kinesiotaping.

Keywords: emergency situations, kinesiotaping, knee joint, law enforcement officers, osteoarthritis, rehabilitation

For citation: Samoylov A.S., Velichko M.N., Belyakova A.M., Rylova N.V., Kazakov V.F., Bolshakov I.V. Application of Kinesiotaping In Rehabilitation of Employees of Power Structures Involved in Elimination of Emergencies Consequences. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;3:47–50 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-3-47-50



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The material was received 02.06.22; the article after peer review procedure 05.08.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.09.22