Original article
The Option of Organizing the Work of the Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of the Republic of Crimea under the Threat of Several Simultaneous Terrorist Acts
Olefirenko S.S.1, Lyulko O.M.1, Zolotareva V.I.1, Buglak G.N.1
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1 Crimean Republican Center for Disaster Medicine and Emergency Medical Care, Simferopol, Russian Federation
UDC 614.88 (477.75)
Pp. 32–35
Summary. The aim of the study is to choose the optimal format of actions of the formations of the Disaster Medicine Service (DMS), Emergency Medical Service (EMS), Civil Defense (CD), Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine (TCDM) of the Republic of Crimea when responding to the threat of several terrorist acts occurring simultaneously.
Materials and research methods. The work of the emergency medical teams and disaster medicine service of the Republic of Crimea on the protection of the population in case of a threat of several terrorist acts occurring simultaneously in January-April 2022 was analyzed.
Results of the study and their analysis. Calculation of the number and composition of emergency medical service formations for primary response to the threat of several simultaneous terrorist acts at five or more differently located objects in one settlement or separate district was substantiated. The composition and tasks of the task force for prevention and elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies (terrorist acts) were defined. It is noted that the training of DMS personnel in civil defense and protection in emergencies in the system of additional professional education is the most promising form of personnel training for work under the threat (occurrence) of emergency situations.
Keywords: civil defense, Disaster Medicine Service, elimination of medical and sanitary consequences, emergencies, emergency medical aid, Republic of Crimea, Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine, terrorist acts
For citation: Olefirenko S.S., Lyulko O.M., Zolotareva V.I., Buglak G.N. The Option of Organizing the Work of the Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of the Republic of Crimea under the Threat of Several Simultaneous Terrorist Acts. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;3:32–35 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-3-32-35
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The material was received 06.06.22; the article after peer review procedure 08.09.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 23.09.22