Short report
Monitoring of Patients in Severe Condition in Level 1 and Level 2 Medical Treatment Organizations – a Tool for Organizing Medical Care for Patients and Victims in Emergency Situations
Radivilko K.S.1, Ploskonosov P.V.1, Maslakova D.A.1
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1 Kuzbass Disaster Medicine Center, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
UDC 616.036 (571.17)
Pp. 40–43
Abstract. The objective of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of the “Monitoring” program for patients with new coronavirus infection and to evaluate its preparedness to work in emergency situations, as well as to substantiate the effectiveness of the program as a monitoring tool for patient care management in level 1 and level 2 medical treatment organizations when there is a shortage of intensive care beds at level 3 medical institutions.
Materials and research methods. Materials of the research: normative legal documents regulating the order of application of telemedicine technologies in Russia and Kuzbass, including in the field of the Disaster Medicine Service, scientific publications, personal work experience in the organization of remote consultations.
The research was based on the data on the provision of consultative medical care to the patients with the diagnoses “new coronavirus infection” and “community-acquired pneumonia”, who were hospitalized in the intensive care departments of level 1 and level 2 medical treatment organisations.
Research results and their analysis. The retrospective analysis of the calls to the monitoring center from the patients in severe condition, being treated in level 1 and level 2 medical treatment organizations for the diagnoses of new coronavirus infection and pneumonia, who needed monitoring by the specialists of the consulting center (mainly by intensive care specialists), was performed.
Inclusion criteria in the study: adult patients with new coronavirus infection and pneumonia; receipt of call to the monitoring center during the study period – 01.11.2020-31.01.2022; availability of patient counseling using “Monitoring” program.
Conclusion was made, that the system, linking major hospitals with local hospitals, which have the maximum load in periods of peak morbidity, through conducting emergency and urgent telemedicine consultations was created in Kuzbass. The analysis of the obtained data testifies to the effective work of the monitoring center for severe patients as a type of telemedicine tool when working in high alert mode.
Keywords: emergency situations, Kuzbass Disaster Medicine Center, level 1 and level 2 medical treatment organizations, “Monitoring” patients with new coronavirus infection, pneumonia patients, program, severe patient monitoring center, telemedicine consultations, victims
For citation: Radivilko K.S., Ploskonosov P.V., Maslakova D.A. Monitoring of Patients in Severe Condition in Level 1 and Level 2 Medical Treatment Organizations – a Tool for Organizing Medical Care for Patients and Victims in Emergency Situations. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;1:40-43 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-1-40-43
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The material was received 28.02.22; the article after peer review procedure 18.03.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 21.03.22