Original article
Scientific and Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of the Emergency Preparedness of Medical Organizations of FMBA of Russia in the Event of a Radiation Accident
Salenko Y.A.1, Frolov G.P.1, Grachev M.I.1, Bogdanova L.S.1, Tesnov I.K. 1
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1 State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDC 614.2:614.876
Pp. 31–39
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to develop approaches to the substantiation of criteria and methods for quantitative assessment of the preparedness of medical organizations of FMBA of Russia to work in case of radiation emergency situations.
Materials and research methods. Expert (analytical) and computer-based methods were used to estimate preparedness indices for medical organizations of FMBA of Russia on the basis of consensus ideas about possible medical and sanitary consequences of radiation accidents.
Research results and their analysis. A general approach to the quantitative evaluation of emergency preparedness of medical organizations of FMBA of Russia in case of radiation accidents at the enterprises and territories they serve is formulated. The peculiarity of the approach under consideration in determining the proper (baseline) level of readiness for emergency response is the identification of the scale (magnitude) of medical and sanitary consequences based on the gradation of exposure doses and the number of victims. Approaches to substantiation of federal, regional and territorial (local) levels of emergency response of medical organizations of FMBA of Russia are proposed.
Keywords: emergency preparedness assessment, emergency response, medical and sanitary consequences, medical organizations of FMBA of Russia, radiation accidents, radiation damage, scientific and methodological approaches
For citation: Salenko Y.A., Frolov G.P., Grachev M.I., Bogdanova L.S., Tesnov I.K. Scientific and Methodical Approaches to the Assessment of the Emergency Preparedness of Medical Organizations of FMBA of Russia in the Event of a Radiation Accident. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;1:31-39 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-1-31-39
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The material was received 11.10.21; the article after peer review procedure 14.02.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 21.03.22