
Original article

Standard Options for Creating a Grouping of Medical Forces and Means in the Organization of Medical and Evacuation Support for the Victims of a Terrorist Attack

Titov I.G.1, Goncharov S.F.1,2, Bobiy B.V.1,2, Akinshin A.V.1,

1 State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

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UDC 614.2:343.344

Pp. 20–30

Abstract. The objectives of the study are: to analyze the experience of organizing medical assistance and medical evacuation of victims during terrorist acts committed with the use of conventional means of destruction; to determine standard options for creating a group of medical forces and means, their possible composition and the main tasks to be solved in the implementation of medical and evacuation support.

Materials and research methods. Materials of the research: normative and methodical documents regulating the order of medical aid rendering and carrying out medical evacuation of wounded at acts of terrorism; reports of territorial disaster medicine centers on liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of acts of terrorism classified as emergencies; data of expert evaluation maps on the research theme; scientific works and publications devoted to the organizationa of medical aid rendering and of carrying out medical evacuation.

The following scientific methods were applied: content-analysis, expert estimation, logic and information modeling, analytical method.

Research results and their analysis. The results of the study of the basic principles of creating a grouping of medical forces and means intended to provide medical assistance and evacuation of victims of terrorist acts with the use of conventional means of destruction are presented.

Substantiated propositions on creation of standard variants of echelon grouping of medical forces and means at liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of terrorist acts were made; composition of medical forces and means, included in each echelon of the grouping, and their main tasks were defined.

The results of the research have shown that medical organizers and specialists of the Disaster Medicine Service of the Russian Ministry of Health experience difficulties when creating and determining the order of functioning of a group of medical forces and means involved in medical and evacuation support of injured, especially during large-scale terrorist attacks. It is conditioned by: insufficient knowledge of peculiarities of modern terrorist acts and of factors, influencing the organization of medical aid and medical evacuation; insufficient practical experience of medical specialists; shortcomings in generalization of experience of public health management bodies, medical organizations and formations, participating in liquidation of consequences of such emergency situations; imperfection of normative and methodical base. 

Keywords: echelon of medical forces and means, emergencies, grouping of medical forces and facilities, medical and evacuation support, medical formations, medical organizations, public health authorities, regional centers of emergency and disaster medicine, system of organization of medical aid and medical evacuation, territorial disaster medicine centers, terrorist acts, victims 

For citation: Titov I.G., Goncharov S.F., Bobiy B.V., Akinshin A.V. Standard Options for Creating a Grouping of Medical Forces and Means in the Organization of Medical and Evacuation Support for the Victims of a Terrorist Attack. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2022;1:20-30 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2022-1-20-30



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The material was received 03.03.22; the article after peer review procedure 04.03.22; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 21.03.22