
Simulation Modeling and Practice of Inpatient Emergency Department in COVID-19 Pandemic

Teplov V.M.1, Aleksanin S.S.2, Tsebrovskaya E.A.1, Lebedeva A.A.1, Burykina V.V.1, Kolomoytsev V.V.1, Belash V.A.1, Bagnenko S.F.1 

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1 Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

2 The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine of EMERCOM of Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

UDC 004.94; 614.2:614.88: 578.834.1:616-036.2

Pp. 37-43

Abstract. The article presents the experience of using simulation modeling to optimize inpatient emergency department as an admission unit of a hospital — Center for treatment of patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19.

It was noted that the inpatient emergency department effectively performed the functions of the inpatient department of the Center for treatment of patients with new COVID-19 coronavirus infection for a total of more than 7 months. A correct calculation of staffing and a competent use of the department “zones” ensured efficient and rapid reception of patients during both “waves” of the pandemic. The model also proved positive role of such departments with a large number of patients in a multimillion metropolis needed to be hospitalized on a daily basis.

Keywords: Center for treatment of patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19, COVID-19 inpatient admission unit, inpatient emergency department, pandemic, simulation modeling

For citation: Teplov V.M., Aleksanin S.S., Tsebrovskaya E.A., Lebedeva A.A., Burykina V.V., Belash V.A. Simulation Modeling and Practice of Inpatient Emergency Department in COVID-19 Pandemic. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2021;4:37-43 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2021-4-37-43



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The material was received 20.04.21; the article after peer review procedure 22.11.21; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 13.12.21