Review article
Problems of Development and Implementation of Personal Protection Equipment for Personnel of Radiation and Chemical Hazardous Facilities, Emergency and Rescue Teams and Population
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Rubtsov V.I.1, Novikov G.A.1, Timoshenko A.N.1 , Prostakishin G.P.1
1 State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDC 331.43:539.1:614.89
Pp. 69-72
Abstract. The article presents a brief review of the activities of the laboratory “Personal protection equipment for the personnel of hazardous production facilities” for creation of the regulatory-legal and regulatory-methodological support system for personal protection of the personnel of radiation and chemical hazardous facilities, of regular and non-staff emergency rescue teams of Rosatom State Corporation and of FMBA of Russia as well as of the population living in the influence area of the mentioned facilities.
The issues of standardization and certification of personal protective equipment at NPPs and in the field of atomic energy use — both in the normal operation mode of dangerous objects, and in emergency situations of peace and war time are considered.
The problems arising in the implementation of innovative personal protective equipment, primarily due to international obligations, are shown.
Keywords: certification, emergency rescue teams, emergencies, personnel, population, personal protective equipment, radiation and chemical hazardous production (objects), sanitary and epidemiological standardization, standardization, technical regulation
For citation: Rubtsov V.I., Novikov G.A., Timoshenko A.N. , Prostakishin G.P.
Problems of Development and Implementation of Personal Protection Equipment for Personnel of Radiation and Chemical Hazardous Facilities, Emergency and Rescue Teams and Population. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2021;3:69-72 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2021-3-69-72
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The material was received 28.05.21; the article after peer review procedure 14.07.21; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 10.09.21