Key Indicators of Health and Morbidity Structure of Incidence of Police Officers, Firemen and Servicemen of the Russian Federation
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Sidorenko V.A.1, Rybnikov V.Yu.2, Nesterenko N.V.1
1 Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Russian Federation
2 Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine, EMERCOM of Russia, Russian Federation
3 EMERCOM of Russia, Russian Federation
UDC 616-036
Pp. 11-15
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to assess the main indicators of health status as well as the structure of overall morbidity of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2015–2019 on the basis of long-term data. Authors compare them with the corresponding indicators of the employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia and of the contract servicemen, including officers, of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Materials and research methods. The materials of medical reports on the health status of police officers were analyzed, which contained generalized medical and statistical data on the overall morbidity of all police officers who served in 2015–2019. The comparison of these indicators with the indicators of the employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of EMERCOM of Russia and of military personnel under the contract, including officers, of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, is made.
Research results and their analysis.Analysis of health indicators of police officers for 2014–2019 showed that the effectiveness of preventive measures was quite high: about 90% of employees were classified as “healthy” and “practically healthy”; almost every police officer applied for medical help every year.
It was noted that the indicators of the health status of the police officers were similar to those of the military personnel of the Armed Forces and the employees of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia. At the same time, the level of general morbidity and mortality was significantly lower among the police officers, in comparison with the military personnel of the Armed Forces, but there were more cases and days of temporary disability. In comparison with the employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of EMERCOM of Russia, the police officers had significantly lower “primary access to disability”, etc.
It is concluded that data on the health status of police officers can serve as a starting point in the work on further improving the system of medical support for police officers.
Key words: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, disability, dispensary registration groups, employees, general morbidity, health status, military personnel, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, mortality, State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia, temporary disability
For citation: Sidorenko V.A., Rybnikov V.Yu., Nesterenko N.V. Key Indicators of Health and Morbidity Structure of Incidence of Police Officers, Firemen and Servicemen of the Russian Federation. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2021;2:11-15 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2021-2-11-15
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The material was received 26.02.21; the article after peer review procedure 15.03.21; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 15.06.21