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Psychophysiological Express Control of Persons of Hazardous Occupations Operating Weapons Systems
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Ivanovsky V.S., Shchelkanova E.S., Markin I.V.
Millitary Innovation Technopolis «ERA», Anapa, Russian Federation
UDC 616.89: 614.8-051
Pp. 45–50
Abstract. The article presents the relevance of the development of methods for rapid control of the psychophysiological state of persons of hazardous occupations (OP), managing weapons systems, and the tasks solved with their help. The issues of improving the system of psychophysiological support of the professional activities of military operators in order to increase their professional reliability and preserve professional health are considered. The technology of vibration imaging is described, which makes it possible to assess the psychophysiological state without contact and quickly (testing time – 1 min). Examples of its practical application in training and pre-shift psychophysiological control are given.
Key words: non-contact methods, persons of hazardous occupations, psychophysiological express control, psychophysiological state, vibration imaging technology, weapons system operators
For citation: Ivanovsky V.S., Shchelkanova E.S., Markin I.V. Psychophysiological Express Control of Persons of Hazardous Occupations Operating Weapons Systems. Meditsina Katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2021; 1: 45-50 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2021-1-45-50
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The material was received 11.12.20; the article after peer review procedure 04.02.21; the Editorial Board accepts the article for publication 10.02.21