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Main Conditions and Factors Affecting the Organization of Medical Care Delivery and Medical Evacuation in Terrorist Acts Involving Explosive Devices and Conventional Weapons
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Bobiy B.V.1,2, Goncharov S.F. 1,2, Titov I.G. 1
1 All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine Zashchita of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDC 614.8.06:614.44
Pp. 16-27
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify and characterize the most typical conditions and factors affecting the organization of medical care and medical evacuation of victims of terrorist attacks based on the study and analysis of the experience of eliminating the medical and sanitary consequences of terrorist acts committed on the territory of Russia with the use of explosive devices and conventional weapons.
Materials and methods of research. The materials of the study were: normative and methodological documents regulating the organization of medical care and medical evacuation during terrorist acts; dispatches and reports of the territorial centres for disaster medicine on the elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of 162 terrorist acts, including 6 terrorist attacks with the capture and holding of hostages committed in 1998-2010; documents of official correspondence of the All-Russian centre for disaster medicine Zashchita on issues of medical support of the population during terrorist acts; scientific papers and publications on the research problem.
When performing the research, the following methods were used: historical, content analysis, statistical, and analytical.
Research results and their analysis. The following issues were considered during the research:
– means of conducting terrorist activities and their application specifics;
– high degree of vulnerability and damage to the population;
– the nature of the object where the terrorist act was committed;
– sanitary losses and their characteristics;
– psychological situation, capture and holding of hostages, the presence of a threat to their lives;
– terms of elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of terrorist attacks;
– the needs and capabilities of medical organizations (LMO) of the regions in delivery of medical assistance to victims of terrorist attacks;
– needs and capabilities of LMO of the regions in medical evacuation;
– features of the organization and conduct of measures to eliminate the consequences of terrorist acts.
Based on the results of the analysis of the experience in liquidation of medical-sanitary consequences of terrorist attacks, as well as analysis of basic conditions and factors influencing the organization of medical care and conduct of medical evacuation, the methodical approaches are suggested: to comprehensive assessment of conditions and factors typical for terrorist attacks with use of explosive devices and conventional weapons; to use of medical-and-evacuation characteristics of victims in the organization of medical care and conduct of medical evacuation; to increase the readiness of the regional health sector in facing the challenges of liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of terrorist attacks.
Keywords: conventional weapons, emergencies, explosive devices, losses, medical assistance, medical consequences, medical evacuation, medical formations, medical organizations, terrorist acts
For citation: Bobiy B.V., Goncharov S.F., Titov I.G. Main Conditions and Factors Affecting the Organization of Medical Care Delivery and Medical Evacuation in Terrorist Acts Involving Explosive Devices and Conventional Weapons. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 4: 16-27 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2020-4-16-27
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The material was received 06.11.20; the article after peer review procedure 25.11.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 30.11.20