Prevention of Violation of Micronutrient Status of Conscripts in Arctic Zone of Russian Federation
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Kirichenko N.N., Novitskiy A.A.
Military Medical Academy named after S.M.Kirov, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDC 616-082[211]
Pp. 47-51
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for additional measures to prevent violations of the micronutrient status of conscripted military personnel in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (Arctic zone, Arctic) based on a comprehensive assessment of the content of vitamins and minerals in the body, taking into account the specifics of the conditions of activity and of organized nutrition.
Materials and methods of research. The research participants were 154 conscripts, aged 18-25, healthy, with stay in the Arctic for more than 4 months.
The points of the study: 2 – in the fall; 1- in the spring. Physical health indicators of the participants of the research was studied, and the concentration of vitamins A, E, D, C, B1, B2, B12; folic acid – 8 positions in total, and of minerals Fe, Ca, P, Co, Mn, Cu, Se, Cr in the blood was assessed, as well as symptoms of vitamin deficiency.
Research results and their analysis. In the autumn period, hidden forms of deficiency of all the studied vitamins and minerals were detected in more than 25% of those examined. An increase in vitamin deficiency in the spring phase compared to autumn was found only for vitamins C and B1. As a result of the experiment, it was found that 14 days after the end of the 14-day course of taking of vitamin and mineral complexes (VMC), the concentration of vitamins C, E, B12, folic acid, as well as of all the studied minerals returns to their original values. Proposals have been developed for the additional introduction of VMC and fortified food products into the diet of conscripts in the Arctic zone in the autumn-winter period. An experimentally proven method of freezing plasma and blood serum for their transportation from remote areas without losing the concentration of vitamins and minerals with the possibility of storing them for up to 120 days at a temperature of -18 ⁰C is proposed..
Keywords: Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, conscripts, disadaptation, extreme conditions, hypovitaminosis, micronutrients, prevention, trace elements, violations of the micronutrient status, vitamins
For citation: Kirichenko N.N., Novitskiy A.A. Prevention of Violation of Micronutrient Status of Conscripts in Arctic Zone of Russian Federation. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 3: 47-51 (In Russ.).
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The material was received 26.08.20; the article after peer review procedure 04.09.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 09.09.20