Development of New Approaches to Evaluating Effectiveness of Radiation Diagnostics Tools of Service for Disaster Medicine of Defence Ministry of Russia

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Naumov A.V.


Federal State Scientific Research Test Institute of the Military Medicine, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

UDK [616-073.75-7]:355

Pp. 32-37


Abstract. The purpose of the study is to improve the requirements for modern x-ray diagnostics tools used in the pre-hospital section of the Service for disaster medicine of Defence Ministry of Russia.

Materials and methods of research. The research materials were: reports on research on medical support for military personnel during combat operations (40th Army in Afghanistan, 1979-1989; local armed conflict in the North Caucasus, 1994-1996 and 1999-2002); reports on tactical and special military medical exercises “Rubezh-2012”, “Ochag” (2015); reports on operational tests of pneumatic structures installed to equip a medical company of a brigade and a medical detachment of special purpose (Leningrad region, Khabarovsk, 2015), etc. Main research methods: historical, analytical, expert assessment and field observation methods.

Research results and their analysis. Modern means of detecting, collecting and evacuating the injured can dramatically reduce the time from the moment of injury to effective diagnostic, including x-ray diagnostics, and medical measures. The organization and conduct of urgent radiological examinations were influenced by such various factors as the level of training of personnel and coherence in their work; tactically justified choice of the location of the x-ray room; rational placement of x-ray diagnostic equipment, etc.


Keywords: application efficiency, mobile x-ray devices, Service for disaster medicine of the Russian Defence Ministry, tactical and technical requirements, x-ray diagnostics


For citation: Naumov A.V. Development of New Approaches to Evaluating Effectiveness of Radiation Diagnostics Tools of Service for Disaster Medicine of Defence Ministry of Russia. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 2: 32-37 (In Russ.).




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The material was received 25.03.20; the article after peer review procedure 15.05.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 27.05.20