Problems of Organizing and Conducting Medical Evacuation in Emergency Situations with Large Numbers of Victims
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Baranova N.N.1,2, Baryshev S.B.1, Goncharov S.F.1,2, Isaeva I.V.1, Titov I.G.1, Chubayko V.G.1
1 All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 614.8.06:614.44
Pp. 52-61
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the main problematic issues of organizing and conducting medical evacuation of victims with different degrees of severity and different structures of injuries for timely medical care by using the example of solving the situational tasks “100 affected in emergency situations”.
Materials and methods of research. The materials and methods of the study were decisions of the Directors of territorial Centres for disaster medicine (TCDM) – 82 options; a flowchart for creating an information model of medical evacuation; statistical data processing, their summary for the Federal districts of the country. To train TCDM managers and other specialists, employees of the All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” have developed options for situational tasks: the collapse of the roof of a building; passenger train accidents; a fire on a tourist ship; fires in a shopping Centre and other public places; several road accidents of various types, etc.
Variants were determined of the structure of localization of injuries and the severity of the condition of victims, as well as variants of the share of adults and children in the total number of victims – from 45 to 350 variants in total. In addition, emergency options were created for districts: in the city; in suburban area; in a remote area. At the same time, real medical forces and resources were provided for the selected emergency areas.
Research results and their analysis. The results of solving situational problems of “100 affected in an emergency” by the heads of TCDM are analyzed. The paper presents the results of the work of specialists of ARCDM “Zashchita” on the proposals of a number of TCDM managers on the need to create a mathematical model for solving situational problems “100 affected in an emergency”. It is noted that it is necessary to model the process of medical evacuation in response to medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies, especially with a large number of victims, which requires a clear representation and consideration of the characteristics of the territory, the state of the road network, distance to and profile of hospitals where victims can be hospitalized.
Keywords: emergencies, large numbers of victims, mathematical model, medical evacuation, medical assistance, sanitary aviation evacuation, situational tasks “100 affected in an emergency”
For citation: Baranova N.N., Baryshev S.B., Goncharov S.F., Isaeva I.V., Titov I.G., Chubayko V.G. Problems of Organizing and Conducting Medical Evacuation in Emergency Situations with Large Numbers of Victims. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 2: 52-61 (In Russ.).
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The material was received 12.05.20; the article after peer review procedure 22.05.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 27.05.20