Review article

New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19: Brief Description and Measures to Counter its Spread in Russian Federation

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Shlemskaya V.V1., Khateev A.V. 2, Prosin V.I. 1, Suranova T.G.1


1 All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita”, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine of the Moscow Region, Russian Federation


Abstract. It is noted that 2020 will go down in history as the year of pandemia of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The data on the number of confirmed cases of the disease and the number of deaths in the world are given. Measures to counter the spread of COVID-19 in the Russian Federation are presented. The characteristics of the disease are given: clinical symptoms, clinical variants and manifestations, forms of the disease, etc. The content is considered of the measures that are necessary to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Key words: anti-epidemic measures, COVID-19 coronavirus infection, epidemiological situation, medical care, monitoring, pandemia, personal protective means, Russian Federation


For citation: Shlemskaya V.V., Khateev A.V., Prosin V.I., Suranova T.G. New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19: Brief Description and Measures to Counter its Spread in Russian Federation. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 1: 57-61 (In Russ.).




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13. Suranova T.G. Otsenka gotovnosti meditsinskikh organizatsiy po preduprezhdeniyu zanosa i rasprostraneniya infektsionnykh bolezney, predstavlyayushchikh ugrozu vozniknoveniyachrezvychaynoy situatsii sanitarnoepidemiologicheskogo kharaktera = Assessing the Readiness of Medical Organizations to Prevent the Drift and Spread of Infectious Diseases that Pose a Threat of a Sanitary and Epidemiological Emergency. Мoscow, VTSMK Zashchita Publ., 2017, 22 p. (In Russ.).

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The material was received 17.02.20; the article after peer review procedure 03.03.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 11.03.20