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Principles of Training of Medical Specialists of Air Medical Teams.
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Gumenyuk S.A.1, Ivanchin D.V.2


1 Scientific and Practical Centre of Emergency Medical Care of the Moscow City Health Department, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita”, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDK 614.883:614.8.08

Pp. 62-65


Abstract. It is noted that due to the increase in the number of helicopters, the number of medical personnel of air medical teams is increasing. Working with modern equipment on board an aircraft requires highly qualified medical personnel both in their main specialty and in the specifics of working aboard the aircraft.

Specialists of the training Centre of the All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” are engaged in training of medical workers of the teams. Training is carried out both on the basis of the training Centre and on exit cycles.

The main categories trained are: emergency aid medical doctors, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, paramedics and nurses-anesthetists. At the beginning of training, entrance testing is carried out, then the theoretical and practical part is studied, the knowledge and skills obtained are checked by exit testing. In the course of training, models of helicopters and passenger planes are used, as well as operating models of aircraft. After training, medical specialists have internship on aircraft at their place of work. Over 2,400 medical specialists of air medical teams have been trained there during the work of the training Centre “Zashchita”.


Key words: air medical teams, aircraft, guidelines, medical specialists, training Centre of the All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita”, training


For citation: Gumenyuk S.A., Ivanchin D.V. Principles of Training of Medical Specialists of Air Medical Teams. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 1: 62-65 (In Russ.).




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The material was received 23.12.19; the article after peer review procedure 28.02.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 11.03.20