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Service for Disaster Medicine of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation: Main Results of Activities in 2019 and Tasks for 2020

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Goncharov S.F. 1,2, Bobiy B.V. 1,2, Akin’shin A.V. 1,2


1 All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita”, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDK 614.8: «2019/2020»

Pp. 15-27


Abstract. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for adjusting and clarifying priority areas of work in 2020, that make possible efficient medical support of population, based on the results of analysis and evaluation of the activities of the All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” and the Service for Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2019 and taking into account the further development of the health sector.

Materials and methods of research. When doing the research the sources of information used were: normative documents regulating the functioning of the Service for Disaster Medicine (SDM) of Ministry of Health and medical support of population in emergency situations; reports of the Regional Centres for emergency medical care and Disaster Medicine (RC EMC DM), territorial Centres for Disaster Medicine on liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of emergency situations in 2019; the acts of planned inspections of regional Services for Disaster Medicine; the materials of analysis of tactical-special and command-staff exercises, command-staff training carried out in 2019 etc.

In the course of the work, the following scientific research methods were used: analytical, statistical, direct observation, logical and information modeling.

Research results and their analysis. The data on emergency situations and their medical and sanitary consequences, work on the introduction of information technologies in the activities of the SDM, on organizational measures to create unified RC EMC DM with the Department of air ambulance by integrating Emergency medical care stations and Territorial Centres for disaster medicine are presented.

Features of medical, including sanitary aviation evacuation and routing of victims of emergencies and patients are shown. The need to improve the quality of training of SDM specialists, as well as the quality of special exercises for organizing and providing medical assistance to victims of emergencies was noted. In order to further develop the system of medical support of population in emergency situations, a plan for major events in 2020 is proposed.


Key words: All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine, emergencies, emergency medical care, medical evacuation, monitoring of medical care providing, regional Centres of emergency medical care and disaster medicine, routing, telemedicine consultations, territorial Centres for disaster medicine, unified state health information system


For citation: Goncharov S.F., Bobiy B.V., Akin’shin A.V. Service for Disaster Medicine of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation: Main Results of Activities in 2019 and Tasks for 2020. Message 1. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 1: 15-27 (In Russ.).




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The material was received 20.02.20; the article after peer review procedure 03.03.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 11.03.20