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Results of Study of Organization of Medical Care Providing to Victims of Emergency Situations in Modern Conditions. Message 1

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Bystrov M.V.1,2


1 All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita”, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDK 616.082 «3635»

Pp. 28-32


Abstract. The author presents the results of research conducted in the Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” on topical issues of improvement of organization of providing of medical aid to victims of emergency situations and of activities of Service for Disaster Medicine of Ministry of Health of Russia (hereinafter –SDM) in modern conditions.

The purpose of the study. To develop and substantiate the system of organization of medical assistance providing to victims of emergencies in modern conditions.

Materials and methods of research. During the research, the methods of expert evaluation and statistical analysis were used. A survey of 287 experts in the field of organization and providing of emergency medical care and of disaster medicine from various subjects of the Russian Federation was conducted.

Research results and their analysis. Based on the analysis of the opinions of experts a number of fundamental issues are formulated on the organization of rendering of medical aid in emergency in modern conditions in the Russian Federation, as well as some suggestions are made for further improvement of the SDM, including the development of the organizational structure, implementation of new organizational models of functioning of the Service at the regional level. Report 1 presents the results of the study of expert assessment on issues related to the system of organization of medical assistance to victims of emergencies in modern conditions.


Key words: All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine, ambulance stations, emergencies, expert assessment, medical aid, medical evacuation, medical organizations, monitoring, regional Centres for emergency medical care and disaster medicine, sanitary aviation evacuation, Service for Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, territorial Centres for disaster medicine, victims


For citation: Bystrov M.V. Results of Study of Organization of Medical Care Providing to Victims of Emergency Situations in Modern Conditions. Message 1. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2020; 1: 28-32 (In Russ.).




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The material was received 20.02.20; the article after peer review procedure 03.03.20; the Editorial Board accepted the article for publication 11.03.20