Original article
To Issue of Organizational Model of Functioning of Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine of Russian Federation Subjects
1 All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 614.2(470)
Pp. 5–10
Abstract. The issue of organizational model of functioning of joint Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine of Russian Federation Subjects is considered.
The authors’ point of view on a number of organizational issues causing difficulties for specialists at the regional level is presented. Both the positive aspects (advantages) of this organizational model and the possible risks and difficulties that may arise during its operation are analyzed.
Proposals were made on the need for creation of some positions and units within the Centers. The following conclusions are made:
1. Organizational and functional changes in the Service for disaster medicine, emergency medical care and air ambulance, including the introduction of the organizational model of the joint Regional Centers are in demand and are being implemented at the regional level.
2. The organizational model of such Regional Centers can be successfully applied in most subjects of the Russian Federation.
3. In a number of regions the organizational model of functioning of the Territorial center for disaster medicine with the Department of emergency consultative medical care included in its structure and functional integration of Territorial Centers with Emergency medical care has the right for further development.
4. Organizational and functional integration of the Service for disaster medicine, emergency medical care and air ambulance is impossible without the formation of a single information space.
Key words: All-Russian Service For Disaster Medicine, Department of Emergency Consultative Medical Care, emergency medical care station, emergency medical care, emergency situation, medical organization, organizational model, Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine, Service for Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Subject of the Russian Federation, Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine
For citation: Bystrov M.V., Goncharov S.F. To Issue of Organizational Model of Functioning of Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine of Russian Federation Subjects. Meditsina katastrof = Disaster Medicine. 2019; (4): 5–10 (In Russ.), https://doi.org/10.33266/2070-1004-2019-4-5-10
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The material was received 18.11.19; the article after peer review procedure 25.11.19; the Editorial Board accepts the article for publication 27.11.19