Shport S.V.

V.P.Serbskiy National Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Narcology of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

UDK 614.86

Pp. 33–37

The article presents the results of a single-stage study of 192 professional drivers in order to study the medical and social factors affecting their work. It is established that there are statistically significant factors in the group of professional drivers that allow predicting the resulting factor – traffic accident. It is noted that professional drivers aged 41 to 60 years were more likely to cause road accidents, and the frequency of traffic violations was significantly influenced by factors such as age, driving experience, marital status, level of education, alcohol consumption, smoking


Keywords: medical and social factors, professional drivers, road accidents


For citation: Shport S.V., (Health Factors in Work of Professional Drivers – Culprits of Road Traffic Accidents), Disaster Medicine, 2019; 2(106): 33–37 (In Rus.).




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