Kleev V.V., Khabarova A.A.

The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow

UDK 614.1

Pp. 27–32

The level and structure of morbidity of firefighters and rescuers of the Moscow region are presented according to the data of periodic medical examinations conducted in 2010-2018.

It is noted that in the specified period the following changes in the structure of morbidity, have occurred: by 2018, the proportion of diseases of the endocrine system, alimentation and metabolic disorders has increased significantly; the proportion of diseases of the digestive system and the proportion of diseases of the eye and its appendages has decreased; the proportions of diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory diseases have not changed.

The main directions of further preventive and therapeutic measures are determined on the basis of the results obtained.


Key words: firefighters, groups of dispensary supervision, monitoring, morbidity, Moscow regional fire and rescue service, periodic medical examinations, professional fitness, rescuers


For citation: Kleev V.V., Khabarova A.A., (Level and Structure of Morbidity of Firefighters and Rescuers of Moscow Region in 2010-2018), Disaster Medicine, 2019; 2(106): 27–32 (In Rus.).



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