9. Udovika N.A.1, Parkhomchuk D.S.2, Manishchenkov S.N.2 Organization of Emergency and Planned Advisory Medical Care: Problems and Prospects of Development
UDK 614.882
PP. 37–41
1 State Institution Lugansk State Medical University named after Sanctifier Luka of Lugansk People’s Republic, Lugansk, Ukraine
2 State Institution Lugansk National Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine Center of Lugansk People’s Republic, Lugansk, Ukraine
The experience of organization of emergency and planned consultative medical aid in the Lugansk People’s Republic – LPR (Ukraine) is presented. The work of the emergency and planned advisory medical aid and medical evacuation unit in the structure of the Lugansk Republican center for emergency medical assistance and disaster medicine was analyzed in detail: its composition, main activities, staffing, etc. Data on the provision of medical assistance to adult and child populations of the LPR during the inactive phase of the armed conflict in 2016–2017 and other data is considered. The problems and the prospects of the development the department’s activities are examined.
Key words: adult population, child population, emergency and planned counseling, emergency and planned medical counseling department, Lugansk Republican center for emergency medical care and disaster medicine, medical evacuation
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