6. Shchelkanova E.S. Contactless Instant Diagnosis of Psychophysiological States of Personnel with Hazardous Employment

UDK 614.8-051

PP. 23–28

State Research Center Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow

The experience of implementation of vibraimage technology for instant contactless diagnostics of psychophysiological states of hazardous occupation personnel is presented. Usage of contactless diagnosis approach of psychophysiological states in the preliminary stage, periodic, the pre-shift/after-shift psychophysiological personnel examination and within operation on the psychophysiological simulator is justified. The most perspective ways of usage of vibraimage technology in the context of solving the tasks of disaster medicine are presented.

Keywords: contactless instant diagnosis, disaster medicine, hazardous occupation, psychophysiological examination, psychophysiological state, vibraimage technology



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