7. Sebelev A.I.1, Yarmolich V.A.2, Voronkova L.P.2, Sorochinskaya L.F.2 Provision of Emergency Medical Assistance and Carrying out of Medical Evacuation in Volgograd Region
UDK 614.882(470.45)
PP. 29–32
1 Committee of Healthcare of the Volgograd Region
2 State-funded Public Health Institution «Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of the Volgograd Region», Volgograd, Russian Federation
The work of the department of emergency consultative medical assistance and medical evacuation of the territorial center of disaster medicine of Volgograd region in 2015–2017 is considered. A large number of data characterizing the work of the department have been analyzed: the number of patients who got emergency consultative medical assistance; number of consultations; number of evacuations; the results of field work on health care profiles, etc. The measures to reduce the mortality from major diseases in Volgograd region since February 2015 are considered.
Key words: consultations, emergencies, emergency consultative medical assistance and medical evacuation department, emergency medical advisory service, field trips, medical evacuation, road accidents, territorial center of disaster medicine