Melnikova I.S., Shkatova E.Yu.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Izhevsk State Medical Academy” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
Characterization is presented of severity of consequences of road traffic accidents in the Republic of Udmurtia in 2009-2016 as compared to the corresponding data for Volga Federal District and for the whole of the Russian Federation. It is noted that against the background of the growth of number of road traffic accidents and casualties the number of fatal casualties goes down and severity of consequences as well as social and transport risks diminish. The conclusion is drawn that territorial specifics of Udmurtia require a more in-depth study of the road situation in the Republic, perfection of organization of medical care delivery to road traffic accident casualties.
Key words: dead, injured, road traffic accidents, road traffic traumatism, severity of road traffic accident consequences, social risk, transport risk
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