Lemeshkin R.N.1, Savchenko I.F.1, Latypov I.F. 1, Zhukov A.A. 1, Krikunov A.V. 2, Koval’chuk S.V. 2, Balakhontseva M.A. 2 

1 Federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Education “Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov” of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

2 Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Modern tools of scientific study of medical support of forces in armed conflicts and emergency situations in peacetime are presented. That is simulation modeling – analytical and complex modeling automation tools and environments SimPy, GPSS World.
It is noted that study of complex systems like the stages of medical evacuation in military medicine in real environment or in conditions of full-scale experiment is complicated while simulation modeling makes possible the study of medical care organization in all types of military medical formations and organizations with qualitative and quantitative indicators.
The variants of simulation modeling are analyzed of functioning of significant stages of medical support like special purpose medical unit and evacuation receiver.
The conclusion is drawn that such scientific tools as simulation modeling environments help in solving of scientific and practical problems of medical support of armed forces.

Key words: armed conflicts, discrete event process, emergency situations, evacuation receiver, medical support of forces, sick and wounded, simulation modeling, special purpose medical unit, stages of medical evacuation

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