Baranova N.N.1,2, Bobiy B.V.1,2, Goncharov S.F.1,2, Kipor G.V.1, Fisun A.Ya.3 

1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow

2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Military Medical Academy named after S.M.Kirov, S. Petersburg

The role and the place of medical evacuation within the system of liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of crisis situations are presented.
Research Objective – the substantiation and elaboration of the suggestions on the development of the system of medical evacuation of casualties in civilian population in crisis situation environment as well as sick and wounded servicemen sent for medical care to medical facilities of Health Ministry of Russia in armed conflict environment.
Research Materials and Methods. The materials used are normative and methodical documents regulating the procedure of organization and conduct of medical evacuation in the health service sphere of the country including the All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine; official documents of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation concerning medical evacuation; the reports of the All Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” and of territorial centers for disaster medicine on liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of different crisis situations accompanied by numerous sanitary losses with need of mass medical evacuation of casualties; materials of exercises on the organization of medical care delivery and carrying out of medical evacuation; scientific works and other literary sources on the problem.
The main research methods are historical, analytical, statistical, and the method of the natural modeling and monitoring.
Research Results and their Analysis. It was found in the course of the research that the All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine in the years of its activity has acquired valuable experience in organizing and conducting of medical evacuation of victims of many crisis situations of different origin.
The data are given on medical evacuations by forces and means of the Service for the last 4 years.
It is noted that the main volume of medical evacuation was carried out and is carried out by the regional healthcare entities.
The study has shown that currently and in the near future the importance of medical evacuation in the system of medical care to the population increases. And the main reasons of the trend are indicated.
The complexes of major measures that being implemented will lead to better organization of medical evacuation and to its higher effectiveness.

Key words: casualties, crisis situation, emergency situations, medical and sanitary consequences, medical evacuation, sanitary aviation evacuation, transport means, wounded 
For citation: Baranova N.N., Bobiy B.V., Goncharov S.F., Kipor G.V., Fisun A.Ya. Medical Evacuation within System of Liquidation of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Crisis Situations. Disaster Medicine. 2018; 101(1): 5–14.
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