DISASTER MEDICINE No. 4•2017 Download the journal
1. Bystrov M.V. Regulation of Treatment-and-Evacuation Support of Population System in Emergency Situations and of Service for Disaster Medicine Activity
The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The results of a research carried out at All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of Russia are presented.
Research Objective – to reveal the problem issues in need of elaboration and the necessity of some amendments and additions to the federal legal base regulating the treatment-and-evacuation support of population system in emergency situations and of Service for Disaster Medicine activity.
Research Materials and Methods – the stipulations of the federal legal and normative acts in the field are analyzed.
Research Results and their Analysis. The analysis of the documents has shown the existence of some unresolved issues which demands elaboration of a number of suggestions on the perfection of the existing legal and normative base.
Key words: emergency consultative medical care, emergency medical care, emergency situations, first aid, legal and normative regulation, primary health care, Service for Disaster Medicine, treatment-and-evacuation support, urgent medical care
1. On the fundamental principles of the public health protection in the Russian Federation: Federal Law dated November 21, 2011, No. 323-FZ (In Rus.)
2. On the approval of Regulations of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation: Federal Law dated August 26, 2013, No. 734-FZ (In Rus.)
3. On the approval of the Procedure for delivery of the first-aid and specialized medical care: Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 20, 2013 No. 388n (In Rus.)
4. On amendments to a number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the matters of application of information technologies in the field of health protection: Federal Law dated July 29, 2017, No. 242-FZ (In Rus.)
5. On the approval of the Procedure for delivery of emergency medical care to the persons with concomitant, multisystem and isolated injuries followed by shock: Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2012, No. 927n (In Rus.)
6. Security in emergency situations. Treatment and evacuation support for the population. General requirements: National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 22.3.02-94: Approved by the Decree of Standardization, Metrology and Certification Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 1994, No. 324 (In Rus.)
7. On the approval of Regulations of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2000, No. 380 (In Rus.)
8. Security in emergency situations. Terms and definitions of basic concepts: National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 22.0.02-94: Approved by the Decree of Standardization, Metrology and Certification Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 1994, No. 327 (In Rus.)
9. On the approval of regulations of regional and territorial centers for disaster medicine: Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry dated June 21, 1996, No. 261 (In Rus.)
10. On the approval of nomenclature of medical organizations: Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2013, No. 529n (In Rus.)
2. Astankin S.V., Zolotaryova V.I., Dvorsky A.G., Prokhas’ko L.V. Organization of emergency medical care delivery to victims of road traffic accidents in Republic of Crimea
State Budgetary Health care Institution of the Repablik of Crimea “Crimean Republican center for disaster medicine and emergency medical assistance”, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The activity of the Crimea Republican Center for disaster medicine and emergency medical care on organization of emergency medical care delivery to victims of road traffic accidents is discussed. The data on the number of teams and on car fleet of the service as well as on the number of accident-site calls and of road traffic accident victims are given.
Some measures on perfection of emergency medical care delivery to road traffic accident victims are characterized. The problems are defined to be solved for the perfection of care delivery.
Key words: Crimea Republican Center for disaster medicine and emergency medical care, emergency medical care, injury care center, road traffic accidents, victims
3. Gryaznov N.A. 1, Senchik K.Yu. 1, Motienko A.I. 2, Ronzhin A.L. 2, Kosachyov V.E. 3, Usov V.M. 4 Robotic Complexes Use in First Aid (Premedical) Delivery to Victims of Emergency Situations. Report 1
1 Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
2 The Federal State Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
3 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
4 Scientific Research and Testing Center of Aerospace Medicine and Military Ergonomics of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Air Force of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
The robotic complexes are presented capable of delivery of victims from exposure to emergency situation factors that pose threat to their life and health, to rapidly transport the needed medical equipment to the spot especially mechatronic complexes of cardiocompression to restore blood circulation (as basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation) during cardiac arrest.
Key words: emergency situations, emergency-rescue robots, first aid, robotic complexes, victims
1. On the fundamental principles of the public health protection in the Russian Federation: Federal Law dated November 21, 2011, No. 323-FZ, available at: https://rg.ru/2011/11/23/zdorovie-dok.html (In Rus.).
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9. Kobelyatsky Yu.Yu., Tsaryov A.V., (Mechanical chest compression in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: experience of using AutoPulse), Medicina neotlozhnyh sostojanij, (Emergency Medicine), 2013, 4(51), available at: http://www.mif-ua.com/archive/article/36499 (In Rus.).
10. Bagnenko S.F., Lopota A.V., Reznik O.N. et al., (The use of new hardware mechatronic means of external compression of the human chest during cardiopulmonary resuscitation), Vestnik hirurgii im. I.I.Grekova, (I.I.Grekov bulletin of surgery), 2015; 2: 118–122 (In Rus.).
11. Soldatov E.A., Zhigalov A.A., (Formation of the family of medical robotic complexes for military use for the evacuation of wounded and injured from the battlefield), Robotizacija Vooruzhennyh Sil Rossijskoj Federacii: Trudy pervoj voenno-nauchnoj konferencii, (Robotics of the Armed Forces of Russian Federation), Proceedings of the first military-scientific conference, Moscow Publ., 2016: 267–270 (In Rus.).
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20. Motienko A.I., Ronzhin A.L., Basov O.O., Zelezny M., (Modeling of Injured Position During Transportation Based on Bayesian Belief Networks), Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry, Proceedings of the First International Scientific Conference (IITI’16), 2016: 81–88.
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4. Ulyanov A.A., Gromut A.A., Fed’ko R.V. Organization of Medical Care Delivery to Victims of Road Traffic Accidents outside of Boundaries of Inhabited Areas in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra
Public Institution of Khanty-Mansyisk Autonomous District – Yugra “Centre for Disaster Medicine”,
Khanty-Mansyisk, Russian Federation
The experience of medical care delivery to victims of road traffic accidents outside of boundaries of inhabited areas in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra, a region with low population density is analyzed. The experience of activity of roadside medical facilities situated far from inhabited localities is presented.
Key words: emergency medical care, medical care, mortality, road traffic accidents outside of inhabited localities, roadside medical facilities, victims
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5. Voynovsky A.E. 1, Chernookov A.I. 2, Dyuzheva T.G. 2, Petrov V.N. 1, Pil’nikov S.A. 3 Therapeutic Errors in Managing Abdominal Gunshot Wounds
1 State Budgetary Health Institution “City Clinical Hospital named after S.S. Yudin” of the Moscow City Health Department, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 Federal Government Health Institution “Main Military Clinical Hospital of the National Guard of Russia”, Moscow, Russian Federation
Therapeutical errors and shortcomings are analyzed that contributed toward complications and mortality in servicemen with abdominal gunshot wounds treated at medical facilities of Interior Ministry of Russia during counterterrorist operations in 1999–2015. A classification of surgical errors in abdominal gunshot wounds treatment is suggested.
It is noted that the major method of management of the consequences of such errors is a repeated surgical intervention – relaparotomy.
Key words: classification of surgical errors, counterterrorist operations, errors, relaparotomy, servicemen with abdominal gunshot wounds, treatment
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6. Solov’yov A.G. 1, Kivorkova A.Yu. 2 Use of Biobehavioural Therapy in Medical-Psychological Rehabilitation of Family Members of People in Hazardous Occupations
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “North State Medical University”
of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation
2 Federal State Public Institution Health Resort “The Pearl of Caucasus”, Kislovodsk, Russian Federation
The efficiency of a program of medical-psychological rehabilitation of wives of servicemen who experienced psycho-traumatic situations connected with stress-producing factors of professional activity of their husbands is analyzed. The results are presented of an empirical research of self-adjusting behavior mechanisms as well as consistent patterns of physiological data before and after rehabilitation in the form of computer game-playing training.
Key words: biobehavioural therapy, biofeedback, computer game-playing training, family members of people in hazardous occupations, selfadjustment, wives of servicemen
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7. Baranova N.N.1,2, Kachanova N.A.1 Activity of Center for Medical Evacuation of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”: Main Results, Problems, Prospects
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The main results, problems and prospects of activity of the Center for Medical Evacuation of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” are presented. The tasks solved by specialists of the Center are discussed. The data are presented on the number of medical evacuations carried out by the Center specialists, the number of patients evacuated, of consultations of sick and wounded, on mass events support duties and so on. Some aspects of activity such as extra-budgetary activity, training activity and scientific-research work are characterized. Some problem issues of Center’s activity are defined. The necessity of some changes in acting laws on voluntary insurance of those going abroad is noted.
Key words: Center for Medical Evacuation of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”, consultations, emergency situations, extra-budgetary activity, medical evacuation, problem issues, sanitary aviation evacuation, scientific-research work, stand-by duties, training activity, urgent medical care
8. Buchinsky V.S. 1, Ryadnova E.N. 1, Selivyorstova L.V. 2 Sanitary Aviation Evacuation as One of Main Directions of Activity of Irkutsk Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine
1 State Budgetary Health Institution “Irkutsk Regional Centre for Disaster Medicine”, Irkutsk, Russian Federation
2 Branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Russian Federation
The activity of healthcare organizations of Irkutsk Oblast in the field of sanitary aviation evacuation of patients in 2012-2016 and 2017 (10 months) is analyzed. The data are given on the scope and financing of sanitary aviation services during the period. The main directions of work on merger of units of urgent medical care of the Oblast in common information area for the sake of operational administration and coordination of the urgent medical care service activity.
Key words: aeromedical teams, emergency consultative medical care, Irkutsk Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine, mobile emergency consultative teams of urgent medical care, sanitary aviation evacuation, service of urgent medical care, urgent including specialized urgent medical care
9. Lantsov E.V. 1, Kobylkin D.V. 1, Kuzin A.A. 1, Azarov I.I. 2, Aminev R.M. 1 Role and Activity Organization of Military Specialists of Preventive Measures Line in Liquidation of Consequences of Biological-Social Emergency Situation (as Exemplified by Liquidation of Anthrax Focus in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in 2016)
1 Federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Education “Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov” of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
2 Main Army Medical Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
The specifics of organization and realization of complex of sanitary and disease control measures are studied as exemplified by the participation of Defense Ministry formations in liquidation of the anthrax focus in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in 2016, the problem issues of sanitary and disease control support of service personnel of Defense Ministry in the course of liquidation of consequences of emergency situations are defined and the ways of their solution are suggested.
Key words: anthrax focus, biological-social emergency situation, Defense Ministry formations, disease control support, mobile sanitary-epidemiological team
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7. Kalmykov A.A., Azarov A.I., Aminev R.M. et al., (The experience of organization of anti-epidemic protection of personnel in the aftermath of outbreak of anthrax in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous area), Voenno-medicinskij zhurnal, (Military medical journal), 2017; 1: 22–27 (In Rus.).
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10. Shestakova I.V., (Anthrax does not forgive mistakes: evaluation information after the flash on the Yamal Peninsula in the summer of 2016), ZHurnal infektologii, (Journal of Infectology), 2016; 8, 3: 5–27 (In Rus.).
11. Popova A.Yu., Demina Yu.V., Ezhlova E.B. et al., (Outbreaks of anthrax in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district in 2016, epidemiological characteristics), Problemy osobo opasnyh infekcij, (Problems of especially dangerous infections), 2016; 4: 42–46 (In Rus.).
12. Eremenko E.I., Ryazanova A.G., Buravtseva N.P., (The current situation on anthrax in Russia and the world. The main trends and characteristics), Problemy osobo opasnyh infekcij, (Problems of especially dangerous infections), 2017; 1: 65–71 (In Rus.).
13. Ivanov I.V., Susloparov A.A., Porhachev M.Y. et al., (Outbreaks of anthrax in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district in 2016: the work of forces of EMERCOM and the Ministry of defence, cooperation with other authorities and agencies. Experience, separate results and conclusions), Tekhnologii grazhdanskoj bezopasnosti, (Technologies of civil security), 2017; 1, 51: 60–65 (In Rus.).
14. On differentiation of powers of Federal Executive authorities in the sphere of ensuring biological and chemical security of the Russian Federation: The decree of of the Government of the Russian Federation: Federal Law dated May 16, 2005, No. 303 (ed. by 14.02.2017) (In Rus.).
10. Sakhno I.I. 1,2, Zubkov I.A. 1,2, Kolodkin A.A. 1 Distance Learning – Promising Form of Competence Development of Medical Specialists of All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
It is noted that distance learning is a promising form of competence development of medical specialists of All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine. Possible modalities of distance learning are discussed. Organizational and technical conditions of distance learning introduction into All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” are presented. The potentialities of educational process with use of modules and webinars.
Key words: All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine, disaster medicine, distance learning, distance teaching technologies, electronic learning resource of ARCDM “Zaschita”, information and communication technologies, medical specialists, webinars
1. On education in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ (In Rus.).
2. On the approval of the procedure for the application by organizations engaged in educational activities of the e-learning and distant learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 23, 2017 No. 816 (In Rus.)
3. URL: http://fgosvo.ru/ (In Rus.)
4. URL: http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru/ (In Rus.)
5. URL: http://www.sovetnmo.ru/ (In Rus.)
6. Baranova N.N., Bobiy B.V., Goncharov S.F., Sakhno I.I. (Liquidation of Consequences of Emergency Situations, Terror Acts and Armed Conflicts), Medicina katastrof, (Disaster medicine), 2016; 3:51–54 (In Rus.)
11. Mekhant’eva L.E., Sapronov G.I., Sklyarova T.P. History of Disaster Medicine and Lifesafety Department of Voronezh State Medical University Named after N.N.Burdenko (to Mark 100-th Anniversary of the University Foundation)
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “N.N.Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The history of setting up, making and development of the Department of disaster medicine and life safety of Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N.Burdenko is presented. The main directions of the Department’s activity from its coming-into-being in 1934 up to the present day are discussed. The results of its many-years long activity are analyzed.
Key words: department of disaster medicine and life safety, main directions of activity, results of activity, Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N.Burdenko
1. Knopov M., Voennaya medicina v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny (lyudi, sobytiya, itogi), (Military medicine during the great Patriotic war (people, events, outcomes)), Moscow, ed. group “Border”, 2014, 256 p. (In Rus.).
2. The law of the USSR “On compulsory military service” of 13.08.1930. No. 42 / 253b (In Rus.).
3. Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR “On the training of doctors”, No. 44, dated September 3, 1934 (In Rus.).
4. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the approval of the Regulations on the military training of students (cadets) of higher education institutions under the program of reserve officers and a list of higher educational institutions in which the military training of students (cadets) is established under the reserve officers program” No. 880 of August 31, 1990 (In Rus.).
5. Federal Law “On Defense” No. 61-FZ of May 31, 1996 (In Rus.).
6. Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 (In Rus.).
7. Kniga boevoj slavy Voronezhskoj gosudarstvennoj medicinskoj akademii im. N.N.Burdenko (k 70-letiyu Velikoj Pobedy), (The book of military glory of the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko (to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory)), monograph, under com. red. Esaulenko I.E., Voronezh, Publishing and Polygraphic Center “Scientific Book”, 2015, 128 p. (In Rus.).
8.URL:http://www.vsmaburdenko.ru/academy/structure/mobilizatsionnaya-podgotovka-zdravookhraneniya-i-meditsina-katastrof/3804/ (In Rus.).
12. Kurdyaev I.G. 1, Umerov A.Kh. 1, Grishin A.V. 2, Shabanov T.V. 1, Chernikov Eh.V. 1 Local Hemostasis Method in Case of Superficial Lesion of Parenchymatous Organs of Abdomen: Experimental-Clinical Research
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 N.V.Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emerqency Medicine , Moscow, Russian Federation
Research Objective – to assess the possibility of local application – infiltration around wound damage spot of sodium tetradecyl sulfate (Thrombovar) as a means of hemostasis in case of superficial lesion of parenchymatous organs of abdomen.
Research Materials and Methods. The experimental research was carried out on 50 healthy white wistar rats (male and female) with body mass (300,0±30,0) gm.
Ten patients aged 20–45 years with closed abdomen wounds and with hemoperitoneum caused by superficial lesion of parenchymatous organs (6 of liver and 4 of spleen) were involved in clinical research.
Research Results and their Analysis. The comparison of the results of functional and morphological examinations has shown the efficiency of use of 3% solution of sodium tetradecyl sulfate for hemostasis of parenchymatous surface hemorrhage.
Thanks to the method’s simplicity – no need in special equipment or additional conditions and shorter time of surgical intervention – it can be used in delivering urgent surgical service to victims of emergency situations including their mass flow in field formations of disaster medicine service.
Key words: experimental-clinical research, local hemostasis, morphometry, parenchymatous organs of abdomen, sodium tetradecyl sulfate (Thrombovar), superficial lesion, victims of emergency situations
1. Abakumov M.M., Neotlozhnaya pomoshch’ pri povrezhdeniyah grudi, zhivota i taza. Osobennosti porazheniya, diagnostiki i okazaniya ehkstrennoj medicinskoj pomoshchi naseleniyu pri stihijnyh bedstviyah i drugih katastrofah (chastnye voprosy mediciny katastrof), (Acute care in cases of chest, abdomen and pelvic traumas. Characteristics of trauma, diagnostics and emergency medical care for the population in natural hazards and other disasters (particular issues of disaster medicine)), edited by Ryabov G.A., Мoscow Publ., 1993: 79–94 (In Rus.)
2. Ragimov G.S., Methods of bleeding control in case of the liver and spleen damage. Khirurgiya zhurnal im. N.I.Pirogova, (Journal Surgery named after N.I.Pirogov), 2010; 12: 53–57 (In Rus.).
3. Zmushko E.I., Belozerov E.S., Mitin Y.A., Klinicheskaya immunologiya, (Clinical Immunology), Medical guide, St. Petersburg Publ., 2001, 576 p. (In Rus.).
4. Om P.S. et al., (Assessment of nonoperative management of blunt spleen and liver trauma), Am. Surg., 2005; 71: 379–286.
5. Gain Y.M., Aleksandrova O.S., Gapanovich V.N., (Modern methods of local hemostasis in cases of trauma of parenchymal organs of the abdomen), Novosti Khirurgii, (Surgery news), 2009; 17: 160–169 (In Rus.).
6. Petlakh V.I., (Results of Use of Local Hemostatics in Disaster Medicine), Medicina katastrof, [Disaster medicine], 2014; 4: 21–24 (In Rus.).
7. Petlakh V.I., (The role of local hemostatics in the provision of surgical care to the sick and injured), Glavnyiy vrach Yuga Rossii, [Chief Medical Officer of the South of Russia], 2014: 5: 12–13 (In Rus.).
8. Litvin A.A., (Local hemostasis in surgery for the liver and spleen damage), Khirurgiya zhurnal im. N.I.Pirogova, (Journal Surgery named after N.I.Pirogov), 2000: 4: 74–76 (In Rus.).
9. Tovar Maria C., Sanchez-Valverd Miguel A., (Comparative Stady of Air Coagulation, Fibrin Sealant, and Suture in Experimental Liver Injury), Eur j Surg., 1998; 164: 57–63.
10. Bordakov V.N., Doronin M.V., Savitsky D.S. et al., (Comparative characteristics of local hemostasis methods in cases of bleeding from the liver in an experiment), Meditsinskiy zhurnal, (Medical Journal), 2009; 3: 26–28 (In Rus.).
11. Timerbulatov V.M., Baev D.A., (Physical methods of hemostasis and dissection in abdominal surgery), Klinicheskaya i eksperimentalnaya hirurgiya, (Clinical and experimental surgery), 2012; 6: 30–35 (In Rus.).
12. Savelyev V.S., Kirienko A.I., Bogachev V.Y., (Chronic venous diseases in the Russian Federation. Results of the VEIN CONSULT international research program), Flebologia, (Journal of Venous Disorders), 2010; 4; 3: 9–12. (In Rus.).
13. Efimenko N.A., Lysenko M.V., Astashov V.L., (Bleeding from chronic gastroduodenal ulcers: modern views and treatment prospects), Khirurgiya zhurnal im. N.I.Pirogova, (Journal Surgery named after N.I.Pirogov), 2004; 3: 56–60 (In Rus.).
14. Bleeding control method in cases of prostate adenomectomy: The Russian Federation patent for invention No. 2086187, published on August 10, 1997, author: Konopkin N.I., URL: http://ru-patent.info/20/85-89/2086187.html (In Rus.).
15. Method of hemostasis of superficial wounds of parenchymal organs: The Russian Federation patent for invention No. 2157195, published on 10.10.2000, Authors: Ermolov A.S., Zimina L.N., Tarabarin S.A., Kurdyaev I.G., Sinitsa S.G., URL: http://bankpatentov.ru/ node/ 145972 (In Rus.).
13. Goncharov S.F. 1,2, Kipor G.V. 1, Bystrov M.V. 1 “The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction” Conference, Main Items on Agenda 22–26 May, 2017 Cancun, Mexico
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The main items on agenda are discussed: preparedness for emergency situation response; efficiency of early warning systems in emergency situations; the program of sustained development until 2030 and climate change; separate projects realization on regional and national levels.
It is noted that the development of early warning systems in emergency situations and disaster preparedness management are the priority directions in realization of Sendai Program (2015–2030).
Key words: Global Platform 2017, regional conferences on Sendai Program, Sendai Program (2015–2030)
14. Kapatsyna A.S., Lamzin A.V. Belgorod Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine is 10
Regional State Public Health Specialized Institution “Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of Belgorod Region”, Belgorod, Russian Federation
The history of setting up, the structure and the main directions of activity of Belgorod Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine are presented.
The functions of structural divisions of the Center are discussed, the data are given on the number of non-nominal medical formations of the Service for Disaster Medicine of the Oblast prepared for work on liquidation of consequences of emergency situations; an analysis is done of the work procedure of medical support group set up at the Center for liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of terror acts.
Key words: Belgorod Oblast Center for Disaster Medicine, emergency situations, first aid delivery training, medical support group for liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of terror acts, non-nominal formations, road traffic accidents, Service for Disaster Medicine of Belgorod Oblast, urgent medical care