DISASTER MEDICINE No. 1•2017 Download the journal
1. Goncharov S.F. 1,2, Bobiy B.V. 1,2, Bystrov M.V. 1 On Preparedness of Service for Disaster Medicine of Health Ministry of Russia for Response and Activity in Emergency Situation Environment
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Different aspects of preparedness of the Service for Disaster Medicine of Health Ministry of Russia for response and activity in emergency situation environment are discussed. A list of measures aimed at the perfection of technologies of maintaining and enhancing preparedness of the healthcare structures including the Service for organization and realization of proper efforts for efficient medical support in emergency situation is specified.
Key words: drills, emergency situations, exercises, medical formations, preparedness for response and activity, routine measures, Service for Disaster Medicine of Health Ministry of Russia, territorial centers for disaster medicine, treatment-and-prophylactic medical organizations
2. Radchenko I.V., Gudkov V.K. Service for Disaster Medicine of Health Ministry of Russia in Civil Defense Measures Realization in Public Health Service
The Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The role of Service for Disaster Medicine of Health Ministry of Russia in civil defense measures realization in the public health service is discussed. The main tasks and functions of the Service in the field are characterized. The main tasks facing the executive authorities in the sphere of public health protection by medical organizations and facilities of the Service in the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2017 are defined.
Key words: civil defense, medical formations, medical organizations, public health protection, Service for Disaster Medicine of Health Ministry of Russia, subjects of the RF
3. Artyomov A.N., Vorob’yov I.I., Balabaev G.A. Analysis of Organization of Liquidation of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Road Traffic Accident as Emergency Situation on Federal Highway on Boarder between Two Adjacent Oblasts
Voronezh territorial center of disaster medicine
The incident rates for Voronezh Oblast highways for 2011–2015 are presented.
The issues of organization of cooperation of the Service for Disaster Medicine of adjacent oblasts is considered using as an example the instance of the organization of emergency medical care delivery to victims of a major road traffic accident – emergency situation on a federal highway on the border between Voronezh Oblast and close to it subjects of the Russian Federation.
Key words: adjacent subjects of the Russian Federation, federal highway, medical and sanitary consequences, organization of cooperation, road traffic accident, Voronezh Oblast
4. Bol’shakova M.A. 1,2, Rostovtsev S.I. 1,2, Burmistrov Yu.N. 3, Vyatskin I.E. 1,3, Lyubchenko A.A. 1,2, Popov A.A. 1,2, Popova E.A. 1,2, Rakhmanov R.M. 2, Rakhmanova E.A. 1 Post-Traumatic Pain Syndrome in Road Traffic Accident Victims: Diagnostics and Treatment at Pre-Hospital and Hospital Stages
1 Krasnoyarsk state medical University after Prof. V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health of Russia
2 Territorial State Budgetary Health Institution Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care named after N.M.Karpovich
3 Krasnoyarsk territorial center of disaster medicine
The results are presented of a study with the aim of elaborating and substantiating diagnostics and treatment of post-traumatic pain syndrome that allow to cut the number of complications and lethal outcomes in victims of road traffic accidents.
A conclusion is drawn that staged use of a combination of nonnarcotic analgesic drugs and of synthetic enkephalins provides sufficient pain-relieving, stress-limiting and organ-protective effects that improve the results of intensive therapy, anaesthetic support and surgery in road traffic accident casualties in different severity states.
Key words: casualties, diagnostics, hospital stage, post-traumatic pain syndrome, pre-hospital stage, road traffic accident, treatment
5. Solomennikov A.V. 1, Umerov A.Kh. 2, Trunin E.M.3, Arseniev N.A. 1, Shishkin E.V. 2 Low Haemoglobin Count in Complex Assessment of Hemogramm as Express-Method of Water-Electrolyte Metabolism Disorders Evaluation in Patients in Critical Condition and its Use in Emergency Situations
1 State budget-funded educational institution of high professional education “Saint Petersburg state chemical and pharmaceutical Academy, St. Petersburg
2 The Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3 State budget institution of higher education “North-Western State Medical University named after I.I Mechnikov” under the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
The statistically true correlation between low haemoglobin count and changes of water-electrolyte metabolism is found. The algorithm of data processing used is suggested as differential express-diagnostics of haemoglobin-associated disorders of water-electrolyte metabolism in patients in critical condition when laboratory-diagnostic facilities are limited including environment of emergency situation.
Key words: emergency situation, express method, haemoglobin, hemogramm indices, limited laboratory-diagnostic facilities, patients in critical condition, water-electrolyte metabolism disorders
6. Kozyrev D.V., Khupov M.T. Sanitary Aviation Evacuation with Use of Light Helicopters in Megapolis Environment
Sanitary Aviation Service “Heli-Drive MEDSPAS”, St. Petersburg
The substantiation and the calculation data proving the expediency of use of light medical helicopters for delivery of emergency medical care and sanitary aviation evacuation under St. Petersburg conditions are presented. It is noted that the use of sanitary aviation in megapolis environment is not supposed to be and cannot serve as an alternative to first aid provision with use of automobiles. At the same time the use of light medical helicopters for delivery of emergency medical care and sanitary aviation evacuation of patients to specialized centers enables to cut mortality and disability in case of concomitant injuries, burns, vascular pathology, and pathologies in perinatal period.
Key words: aeromedical teams, emergency medical care, light medical helicopters, megapolis, sanitary aviation evacuation, St. Petersburg
7. Astankin S.V., Altukhov A.V., Kirsanov A.I., Zolotaryova V.I., Dvorsky A.G., Sakun T.V. Organization of Emergency Medical Care Delivery and Realization of Medical Evacuation in Republic of Crimea
State Budgetary Health care Institution of the Repablik of Crimea “Crimean Republican center for disaster medicine and emergency medical assistance”, Simferopol
The activity of the Crimean Republican Center for Disaster Medicine and First Aid during its functioning within legal framework of the Russian Federation is presented. It is noted that in accordance with the Program of the Republic’s health service modernization some new reanimobiles and drug support for specialized medical care delivery were supplied. The first in Russia new mobile medical complex received by the Center under the Program is characterized in detail.
Key words: Crimean Republican Center for Disaster Medicine and First Aid, emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation ward, emergency situation, field forms of activity, medical evacuation, mobile medical complex, program of health service modernization, Republic of Crimea, road traffic accident, sanitary aviation, Service for Disaster Medicine
8. Suranova T.G. 1, Prosin V.I. 1, Seminog V.V. 2, Goryacheva N.G. 2, Avitisov P.V. 2 Anthrax in Yamal: Results of Liquidation of Consequences of Emergency Situation
1 Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Education Civil Defence Academy EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow region
The data are presented on sanitary-antiepidemic measures taken in the focus of anthrax infection in Yamal in July-August 2016. The most probable reasons for the epizootic among reindeer with 2572 animals lost and of the epidemic outbreak that resulted in 36 people that got ill one of them died are indicated.
Key words: anthrax burial site, anthrax, antiepidemic measures, Bacillus anthracis, emergency situation, epidemic outbreak, epizootic, soilborne contamination, Yamal
9. Kolodkin A.A. 1,2, Linchenko S.N. 1, Starchenko V.I. 1, Arutyunov A.V. 1, Shchimaeva I.V. 1, Sal’nikov V.A. 1, Pukhnyak D.V. 1, Bondina V.M. 1, Konyukhov M.A. 1 Experience of Training of Population and Students in First-Aid Skills at Health Service Mobilization Preparation and Disaster Medicine Chair of Kuban State Medical University
The experience is presented of activity of staff of Health Service Mobilization Preparation and Disaster Medicine chair of Kuban State Medical University in training of population and students in first-aid skills as well as of the performance of the chair-based students rescue squad.
Key words: emergency situation, first-aid, Health Service Mobilization Preparation and Disaster Medicine chair, Kuban State Medical University, population, practical skills, simulation training, students rescue squad, students
10. Goncharov S.F. 1,2, Kipor G.V. 1, Shabanov V.Eh. 1 Emergency Medical Teams Global Meeting 2016 (28-30 November 2016, Hong Kong, PRC)
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The details of the Emergency Medical Teams Global Meeting 2016 that took place in Hong Kong, PRC on 28-30 November, 2016 are presented. The topic issues under debate at the meeting are discussed.
Key words: activity of administration and coordination of international EMT in emergency situation zone, EMT’s certification, international EMTs, WHO standards for documents required for EMT certification and verification
11. Goncharov S.F. 1,2, Kipor G.V. 1 Conference of WHO Collaborating Centers in Field of Preparedness and Response to Emergency Situation (Turin, Italy, January 18-20, 2017)
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The main issues of the agenda of the Conference are discussed: the results of the activity of WHO Collaborating Centers in 2016 and tasks facing them in 2017.
Key words: certification of international EMTs, collaborating centers tasks for 2017, structure and directions of activity of collaborating centers, tasks of the new accredited centers in USA and Sweden
12. Poyarkov A.M. 1, Skorobulatov A.V. 2, Ehbanoidze M.D. 2, Perepelitsa S.S. 2 Experience of Emergency Medical Care Delivery in Armed Conflict Environment in Syrian Arab Republic
1 The Federal State Budgetary Institution “All Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Federal Public Institution “Tsentrospas” State Central Airmobile Rescue Team of Russian Emergencies Ministry, Moscow region
The experience is presented of functioning of aeromobile hospital of the Russian Emergency Ministry including a mobile medical specialists team of All Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of Russia in emergency medical care delivery to victims and patients in armed conflict environment in Syrian Arab Republic.
The description is given of the structure and patient capacity of the hospital, contingent of those seeking assistance, types and scope of the care delivered. The data are given on the whole amount of patients that needed surgical and traumatological assistance, on number of operations and manipulations.
Key words: aeromobile hospital of the Russian Emergency Ministry, Aleppo inhabitants, armed conflict, emergency medical care, medical specialists team of All Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” of Health Ministry of Russia, refugees, servicemen, Syrian Arab Republic