DISASTER MEDICINE No. 2•2016 Download the journal
Garmash O.A., Doletskaya L.G. Monitoring of Hospital-Treated Emergency Situations Casualties: its Importance, Prospects and Practical Realization Approaches
The importance, prospects and approaches to practical realization of monitoring of hospital-treated emergency situations casualties are presented. The reasons and consistent pattern of mortality at hospital stage are considered as well as reserves of its reduction.
Key words: casualties, emergency situations, hospital stage, hospital treatment, monitoring, mortality
Sboev A.O., Ryapolov V.V., Nikolaevsky E.E. Experience of Exploratory Tactical-Special Drill on Functioning of Moscow Mobile Medical Formation
The experience is presented of carrying out of exploratory tactical-special drill to practice deployment and functioning of a mobile medical formation of Moscow in case of admission of casualties from a site of mass sanitary damage in war time. The practical possibilities of delivery of primary medical-sanitary care are assessed and a list of measures to be taken by the formation in war environment is defined. An intrinsically new and differing from the present structure of the formation is suggested as well as a two-shift round the clock mode of its use.
Key words: exploratory tactical-special drill, medical formation, mobile medical formation of Moscow, primary medical-sanitary care, two-shift formation structure, wartime
Bondarenko S.V., Mel’nikov A.Yu. Setting up of First-Aid Hospital as Stage of Perfection of Service for Disaster Medicine
The prospects are discussed of setting up of a first-aid hospital with its integration into the Republican center for emergency medical care and disaster medicine. The advantages are shown of such integration for daily functioning as well as for liquidation of consequences of emergency situations and of local armed conflicts.
Key words: eхemergency situations, first-aid hospital, local armed conflicts, Republican center for emergency medical care and disaster medicine, Service for Disaster Medicine
Koltovich A.P., Ivchenko D.R., Zubritsky V.F., Nikolaev K.N., Demenko V.V., Kapustin S.I. Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolic Complications in Gunshot Thoracospinal Wounds
An analysis is presented of the results of use of modern methods of prophylaxis of venous thromboembolic complications at different stages of treatment of 35 cases with gunshot thoracospinal wounds received in combat activity.
The conclusions are drawn that complex of prophylaxis measures at all stages of medical evacuation of wounded allows to cut number of complications and to prevent lethal outcomes as the result of thromboembolia of the pulmonary artery and that the study of genetic mutations of hemostasis system is a promising method of predicting the complications development.
Key words: gunshot thoracospinal wounds, thrombophilia, thrombosis, venous thromboembolic complications, wounded
Kushnareva Yu.B., Patsenko M.B., Oynotkinova O.Sh. Degree of Manifestation of Metabolic Syndrome and of Lipid Metabolism Disorders in People in Hazardous Occupations
The degree of manifestation of metabolic syndrome (MS) and of lipid metabolism disorders in service men (people in hazardous occupations) and in people in usual occupations in long-term follow-up care is analyzed. The role of stress in development of MS in persons in hazardous occupations is shown. It is noted that servicemen show more components of MS that are more pronounced than in the other contingent.
A conclusion is drawn that the early detection and timely treatment of MS in persons in hazardous occupations allow to stave off its complications as diabetes mellitus type II, ischemic heart disease and cerebral ischemia the main causes of heavy mortality in population.
Key words: cholesterin, high-density lipoproteins, insulin resistance, lipid metabolism disorders, long-term follow-up care, low-density lipoproteins, metabolic syndrome, people in hazardous occupations, people in usual occupations, service men, stress, triglycerids
Solomennikov A.V., Karnaukhova L.A., Umerov A.Kh., Chernov A.V. Prospects of Elaboration of System of Express Analysis of some Critical Conditions of Patients in Limited Laboratory Facilities and Possibility of System’s Use in Emergency Situations
An algorithm is suggested of mathematical processing of water-electrolyte metabolism data in resuscitation department patients. Statistically significant variations of electrolyte ratio in patients with history of high potassium are defined. The calculation of correlation between dynamics of K index and other analytes provides a possibility of an approximate definition of key mechanisms of hyperkalemia formation in different cases. Reevaluation of a wider scope of data allowed the authors to find a high degree of correlation of individual electrolyte ratio panels with model sets without pronounced K level growth in serum.
Key words: critical condition, emergency situations, expert analytical systems, express assessment, limited laboratory facilities, mathematical processing of data, potassium, water-electrolyte metabolism
Makhnev V.G., Ivanchin D.V., Bobylev P.S. Experience of Work of Aeromedical Teams with Use of Light Helicopters in Liquidation of Consequences of Emergency Situations in Moscow and Moscow Oblast
The experience is presented of work of aeromedical teams with use of light helicopters in liquidation of consequences of emergency situations in Moscow and Moscow Oblast. The main directions of use of light helicopters in medical purposes, the composition of teams and other issues are discussed. Some examples from the practical activity of teams are given. Characteristics of the helicopters used are cited. Some suggestions are made on equipment of Russian light helicopters for their proper use in medical purposes I the context of imports phase-out.
Key words: aeromedical teams, Emergency medical service of Moscow, emergency situations, light helicopters, medical and sanitary consequences, Moscow Oblast, Moscow, Research and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care of Moscow, sanitary aviation
Shkarin V.V., Sebelev A.I., Yarmolich V.A., Danilov V.A. Organization of Medical Evacuation of Sick and Wounded in Volgograd Oblast
The organization of medical evacuation of the sick and wounded in Volgograd Oblast is presented. The activities in this field of Health Service Committee, of Territorial center for disaster medicine, of first-aid service are analyzed. The data is given on the number of medical evacuations, on their breakdown by nosology, age of patients and so on. Top-priority measures to further medical care accessibility for the population of the area are defined.
Key words: casualties, emergency situations, first aid service, medical evacuation, patients, road traffic accidents, roadside stations of emergency medical care, territorial center for disaster medicine, trauma wards, Volgograd Oblast
Rakhimov A.A., Galimova R.M., Akhmetshin R.Z., Kireev A.R. Organization of Pediatric Emergency Consultative Medical Care Delivery with Use of Telemedical Technologies in Republic of Bashkortostan
The organization of pediatric emergency consultative medical care with use of telemedical technologies in the Republic of Bashkortostan is presented. The activity of the Republican children’s clinical hospital – the third level medical facility – in the field is analysed.
The work is discussed in changing the structure and facilities of intensive care units. Significant attention is paid to the creation and practical application of two portals for filing and case follow-up of newborn babies and children.
Key words: automation system (portal), children, intensive care units, newborn babies, pediatric emergency consultative medical care, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republican children’s clinical hospital, sanitary aviation, telemedical technologies
Lobzin Yu.V., Konovalova L.N., Skripchenko N.V. Children Infectious Disease Incidence in Russian Federation
The topical issues of morbidity among children in the Russian Federation are discussed. An analysis of the official statistics on the state of infectious morbidity in 2013-2015 is presented. The reasons of morbidity are made more precise, the ways of solving the problems of pediatric infectology are defined.
Key words: children, infections, morbidity, Russian Federation
Poroysky S.V., Donika A.D. Disaster Medicine Chair of Volgograd State Medical University: Past, Present and Future
A short background of setting up and development of the disaster medicine chair of Volgograd State Medical University is presented as well as the main directions of its present day activity. Some separate aspects of teaching and scientific research activity are discussed. The prospects of the chair’s development along the lines of optimization of work of chairs of the profile within the system of high medical education of the Russian Federation are shown.
Key words: disaster medicine chair, main directions of work, practical skills, scientific research activity, training process, Volgograd State Medical University
Goncharov S.F., Kipor G.V. UN Initiative “Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week”
The activity is presented of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – Headquarters (OCHA) on international scale as well as in some countries and regions on the requests of national or regional governments or authorities. The characteristic is given of the most urgent issues of the Global conference within the framework of the Week of Humanitarian Partnership. The urgency and the present state of the process of stage by stage registration of medical teams for care delivery to casualties in emergency situations are noted. The activity of specialized and interdisciplinary services of OCHA involved in emergency situations handling is characterized.
Key words: emergency situations, Expert Advisory Panel on Preparedness and Emergency Response, Interdisciplinary services of OCHA, special services of OCHA, UN Initiative “Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week”, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, World Health Organization, World Humanitarian Summit
Goncharov S.F., Kipor G.V. Main Performance Targets of Sendai Framework for 2015–2030
The measures on implementation of Sendai Framework for disaster risk management (2015–2030) are discussed as well as the aspects of crisis management in health service in relation to emergency situations threats. It is shown that the Framework has performance targets and is being realized in accordance with definite measures planning at different stages of its realization. It is noted that in the activity in the furtherance of the Framework the recommendations of the WHO and the specifics of structure and functioning of national health service system should be taken into consideration.
Key words: emergency situations, performance targets, priorities, recommendations of planning conference on Sendai Framework progress, Sendai Framework for 2015–2030