DISASTER MEDICINE No. 2•2014  Download the journal


1.Avetisov G.M., Goncharov S.F. Problems of Assured Preparedness for Iodine Prophylaxis of Population in case of Large-Scale Nuclear Accident

A suggestion is made on revision by the Ministry of Health and EMERCOM of Russia of “Typical Content of an Action Plan for Population Protection in Case of a Nuclear Plant Accident” approved by EMERCOM in 2006 to correct population protection measures planning zone boundaries around potential radiation hazard facilities.  

The necessity is substantiated of elaboration by the Ministry of Health and EMERCOM of Russia of a regulatory document on the organization of iodine prophylaxis campaign in case of threat or occurrence of radiation accident at radiation hazardous facilities of the Russian Federation and of the subsequent approval of the document by a joint order of the agencies. It is the authors’ opinion that the provisions on zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of organization of iodine prophylaxis and iodine preparations distribution as well as on decision making procedure for the start of the campaign shall be defined in the document.

Key words: iodine prophylaxis, large-scale nuclear accident, normative legal acts, population, protection measures planning zone, radiation hazardous facilities, thyroid

2.Gumenyuk S.A., Kostomarova L.G., Potapov V.I., Buk T.N. Medico-Tactical Specifics of Organization of Emergency Medical Care Delivery to Fire Casualties in Moscow

A retrospective statistics analysis of emergency situations connected with fires in Moscow in 2008-2012 as well as dynamics of their medical and sanitary consequences are presented. The specifics of organization of medical care delivery to fire casualties at pre-hospital stage in megapolital environment are studied. The tasks and tactics of urgent response teams of Emergency Medical Care Center on fire-site missions are defined.

Key words: casualties, Emergency Medical Care Center, emergency medical care service, fire toll, fires, medico-tactical specifics, Moscow

3. Lobanov A.I. Role and Tasks of EMERCOM State Inspectorate for Small Vessels in Liquidation of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Emergency Situations

The experience is presented of cooperation of organs and formations of All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine with mobile units of EMERCOM State Inspectorate for Small Vessels in liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of different emergency situations in water-way and facilities areas. Some patterns of cooperation tested in practice and in drills in the territory of the Russian Federation are proposed.

Key words: All Russian Service for Disaster Medicine, cooperation, EMERCOM State Inspectorate for Small Vessels, emergency situations, liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences, medical and sanitary support, Unified State System of Prevention and Response to Emergency Situations

4.Dyro L.I., Antoniuk G.V., Chubayko V.G. Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine of Republic of Crimea: History of Formation and Development

The history of formation and development of the Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine of the Republic of Crimea are presented. The tasks of the Center and its organizational and staff structure are discussed. The results of its activity in 2012-2013 are analyzed. Some unsettled problems of its activity are defined. It is noted that the personnel of the Center is capable of solving the problems facing it.

Key words: casualties, Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine,  emergency medical aid stations, emergency situation, organizational and staff structure, Republic of Crimea, results of activity


5.Kovalenko L.A., Sukhodolova G.N., Luzhnikov E.A. Hormonal Status in Children with Acute Psychopharmaceutical Poisoning

Hormonal status of 60 children of different age groups with acute psychopharmaceutical poisoning is studied. It is found that during the initial hours of illness growth of level of cortisol in blood serum was witnessed. In 1-5 years old children a higher functional activity of thyroid gland at the initial stages of response formation took place. And a relative hypofunction of the gland was formed proportionally to chemical trauma intensity. At the same time in children over 11 the hypofunction occurs at the initial stage of illness.

Key words: acute chemical trauma, central nervous system, children, cortisol, endocrine control, hormonal status, psychopharmaceuticals, stress-realizing systems, thyroid

6. Slepushkin V.D., Pliev A.M., Shebzukhov O.A. Analysis of Level of Skills of Personnel of Mobile Teams of Emergency Medical Service and of Service for Disaster Medicine in Handling of Acute Respiratory Failure

The level of skills of personnel of mobile teams of emergency medical service and of service for disaster medicine in handling of acute respiratory failure is analyzed. A conclusion is drawn that the personnel of the teams manned with intensivists more often (which is statistically proved) use laryngeal mask airways or/and intubation of trachea. The patients delivered to hospitals by such teams need almost 25% shorter periods of artificial lung ventilation.

Key words: acute respiratory failure, acute respiratory failure, adequate airway support methods, artificial lung ventilation, casualties, emergency medical service teams, intubation of trachea, service for disaster medicine teams

7.Shkarin V.V., Yarmolich V.A., Raevsky A.A., Bakanov S.M. Work Experience of Specialized Psychology-Psychiatric Teams of Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine of Volgograd Oblast in Liquidation of Consequences of Terror Acts in Volgograd on December 29–30, 2013

The work experience of specialized psychology-psychiatric teams of territorial center for disaster medicine of Volgograd Oblast in liquidation of consequences of terror acts in Volgograd on December 29-30, 2013 is presented. The main principles of help delivery to casualties, their relatives and witnesses with acute stress reactions are discussed. The organization of inter-agency cooperation of psychologists in the process of liquidation of consequences of terror acts in Volgograd is analyzed.

Key words: acute stress reactions, casualties, posttraumatic stress disorder, specialized psychology-psychiatric teams, territorial center for disaster medicine, terror acts, Volgograd

8.Popov V.P., Rogozhina L.P., Vatolin A.A. Organization of Emergency Psychological Care Delivery to Road Traffic Accidents Victims with Acute Stress Reactions

The organization of emergency psychological care delivery in the Sverdlovsk Region to road traffic accidents casualties with acute stress reactions diagnosis is presented. Three levels of the care delivery are discussed.

Key words: acute stress reaction, casualties, emergency psychological care, road traffic accidents, roadside medical posts, specialized psychotherapeutic care, Sverdlovsk Region, territorial center for disaster medicine

9.Kudryavtsev B.P., Garkavi A.V., Yakovenko L.M. “Damage Control” Tactics in Disaster Surgery

The work experience of the field multidisciplinary hospital of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” in use of «damage cоntrol» surgical tactics in patients with injuries of different localization in the setting of politrauma is presented. The content of the stages of the tactic use is discussed.

Key wordsAll-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”, casualties, disaster surgery, emergency situations, field multidisciplinary hospital, surgical tactics of «damage cоntrol»

10.Kardanov A.V., Kardanova L.D., Prostakishin G.P. Mass Sickness of Schoolchildren in Kabardino-Balkaria: Issues of Diagnostics and Treatment

The study of the reason for mass sickness of schoolchildren in Kabardino-Balkaria is presented. The issues of diagnostics, clinical picture of damage and sickness dynamics are discussed. A comparison is made of the event with the similar previous ones. An assumption is made concerning a possible role of  psychogenic factors.

Key words: maximum allowable concentration, chemical substances, detoxification therapy, emergency situation, impact of an unknown substance, inhalation impact, Kabardino-Balkaria, mass casualty, maximum allowable concentration, psychogenic factor


11.Struk Yu.V., Banin I.N., Vorobyov I.I. Organization of Specialized Emergency Surgical Service in Territory of Voronezh Oblast: Achievements and Problems

The activity of emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation department of Voronezh Oblast clinical center of disaster medicine on organization of delivery of specialized emergency surgical service to the population of Oblast in 2013 is presented.

Key words: emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation department, sanitary aviation, service for disaster medicine, specialized emergency surgical service, Voronezh Oblast clinical center of disaster medicine

12.Gromut A.A., Fed’ko R.V., Ul’anov A.A. Sanitary Aviation Evacuation of Road Traffic Accident Victims in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

The experience of realization of sanitary aviation evacuation of road traffic accident victims in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is treated.  The organization of the activity of aviation medical teams and their functional slot are presented. The quantity characteristic of medical care delivery to road traffic accident victims is given.

Key wordscasualties, helicopter pads, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, light sanitary planes, road traffic accidents, sanitary aviation evacuation, traumatology centres

13. Sotnikov V.A., Olesov I.I., Argunova P.S. Delivery of Emergency Sanitary-Aviation Care in Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Present State and Prospects

The experience of delivery of emergency sanitary-aviation care in Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2011-2013 and prospects of development of sanitary aviation in the area are presented. The results of activity of emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation department of the territorial center for disaster medicine of the Republic are analyzed. A characteristic of the aircraft used by sanitary aviation is given. Suggestions are made on further perfection of sanitary-aviation medical care system in the Republic.

Key words: aircraft, emergency consultative medical care and medical evacuation, emergency sanitary-aviation care, pilot project on sanitary aviation development in the subject of Federation, sanitary aviation, territorial center for disaster medicine

14.Popov A.V., Ivanchin D.V., Makhnev V.G., Sysoev A.Yu., Bobylev P.S. Sanitary-Aviation Support of Sports Events in Mountain Cluster of Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi

The organization of sanitary-aviation support of training sessions and sports competitions in mountain cluster during Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi is presented. The activity of personnel of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” and of Applied Research Center of Emergency Medical Care of Moscow in the field of sanitary-aviation support is analyzed.

Key words: All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”,  Applied Research Center of Emergency Medical Care of Moscow, helicopters, mountain cluster, olympic facilities, sanitary-aviation support, Sochi, sports competitions, training, Winter Olympic Games 2014, Winter Paralympic Games 2014


15.Goncharov S.F., Sakhno I.I., Matveychuk V.S. Distance Courses for Specialists of Service for Disaster Medicine in System of Continuous Medical Education

The principles of organization and practical experience of distance courses for teaching staff of mobilization preparation of health service and disaster medicine chairs of medical higher education institutions of continuous medical education system on the base of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” are presented. The directions are defined of its further perfection with due regard for provisions of directive documents and modern requirements for the level of preparation of health service and service for disaster medicine specialists. 

Key words: All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”, continuous medical education, distance courses, distance education technologies, further professional education, specialists

16. Poroysky S.V., Donika A.D., Eryomina M.V. Assessment of Medical Specialist’s Preparedness for Professional Activity in Extreme Situations

A problem of training of medical specialists for activity in extreme situations is discussed. The results of study of psychological readiness of doctors in the process of their professional development as well as neuropsychic stability of doctors of different profiles according to “Prognoz” method are presented. The rating of their readiness to activity in extreme situations is shown. The authors note the need for occupational selection of doctors for work in extreme situations.

Key wordsemergency situations, grades of neuropsychic stability, medical specialists, method “Prognoz”, occupational selection, professional activity


1. Chronicle of events 


1.Symposium “Actual problems of the treatment of wounds, injuries and their consequences in emergencies and armed conflicts”

2.Goncharov S.F., Belova A.B., Murin M.B., Moroz M.M. Activity of ARCDM “Zaschita” and of Ministry of Health Specialists in Main Operations Center of “Sochi-2014” Organizational Committee

3.Nemaev S.A. Medical Support of Olympic Torch Relay Team of the XXII Winter Olympic Games

4.Shumaev A.Yu., Garmash O.A. Sanitary Aviation of Kurgan Oblast is 70

5.List of recommended topics dissertation research