DISASTER MEDICINE No. 1•2014 Download the journal
1. Porotikov V.T., Pisareva I.G., Katik A.A. Activity of Service for Disaster Medicine in Emergency Situation Environment: Liquidation of Consequences of Catastrophic Flood in Khabarovsk Territory
The activity of the Service for disaster medicine in liquidation of consequences of the catastrophic flood in Khabarovsk Territory is analyzed. The main directions of the Service’s activity in the emergency situation are presented. The role of All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” in the emergency situation consequences liquidation in the area is indicated.
Key words: Centre for disaster medicine of Khabarovsk Territory, emergency situation, flood affected areas, Khabarovsk Territory, liquidation of consequences of catastrophic flood, medical aid, phage therapy, places of temporary accommodation, population, service for disaster medicine, vaccination
2. Gaifullin R.F., Mazitov M.R., Timershin R.R., Yarmiev I.I. Perfection of System of Emergency and Urgent Medical Care Provision at Admission and Diagnostic Ward of General Hospital
The results are presented of reorganization of a reception ward of the Republican clinical hospital of Health Ministry of Tatarstan into a separate admission and diagnostic division with a critical condition ward and a diagnostic ward. This allows raising the share of patients in emergency medical condition up to 48.3% and managing diagnosis and treatment within the golden hour. It is stressed that the facilities of the division offer the possibility of admitting victims of mass casualty emergency situations. The conclusion is drawn that the structure and work procedures of the division are universally used in general hospitals and can serve as a model for general hospitals in other regions of the Russian Federation.
Key words: admission and diagnostic division, casualties, emergency medical care, emergency situations, general hospital, modernization of health service, Republican clinical hospital of Health Ministry of Tatarstan, urgent medical care
3. Molokanov A.A., Yatsenko V.N., Kukhta B.A., Burtsev S.L., Sokolova T.N.,
Kononykina N.N., Maksimova E.Yu., Yatsenko O.V. Investigation of Work Accident with Atypical Plutonium Intake
An investigation of a work accident with atypical plutonium intake is presented.
Key words: accident, americium-241, exposure, plutonium
4. Kochin I.V., Gorpenko S.V., Troshin D.A., Protas S.V., Lankmiler T.V., Sidorenko P.I. Ascertaining Requirements for Infusion Solutions for Rendering Emergency Medical Care to Emergency Situations Casualties
Scientifically substantiated methods of ascertaining stockage objectives for infusion solutions necessary for emergency medical care and aftercare of emergencysituations casualties arepresented. The methods are elaborated to ensure continuity of treatment ofcasualties of varying severity in hospitals of therapeutical and surgical profiles..
Average consumption levels of infusion solutions per patient in severe and medium severe condition for the whole periodof intensive therapy are given.
Key words: average consumption, calculation methods, casualties, emergency medical care, emergency situations, emergency stockage, infusion solutions, intensive therapy, predicted consumption
5. Kobel’kova I.V. Analysis of Actual and Therapeutical and Dietary Nourishment of People Working with Ionizing Radiation Sources
The results of an analysis of actual and therapeutical and dietary nourishment of people working with ionizing radiation sources are presented. The irregularities in the structure of the actual nourishment are identified.
The conclusion is drawn that the share of the diet 1 of therapeutical and dietary nourishment on working days lunches is above the 40% of the recommended daily intake.
Key words: actual nourishment, ionizing radiation sources, nuclear industry facilities, therapeutical and dietary nourishment
6. Derkach R.V. Cause analysis and study of the reasons that influence the mortality rate in road traffic accidents with the injuries to the musculoskeletal system
This study analyzes the key factors and reasons influencing the mortality rate on a various stages of medical care in car accident victims with injuries to the skeletal system.
Key words: casualties, factors, mortality rate, reasons, road traffic accidents, skeletal injuries
7. Semukhin A.N., Gusova B.A., Bogushev Eh.Yu., Kupko E.N. Medico-Psychological Consequences of Emergency Situations and their Interrelation with Individual Personality Characteristics
The discussion is presented of interrelation of medico-psychological consequences of emergency situations and individual personality characteristics based on the experience of medical screening of mental health status of servicemen who took part in counter-terrorist operations in the Chechen Republic. A conclusion is drawn that those involved who had some psychiatric disorders prior to the exposure to psycho-traumatic factors of emergency situations were most affected by them.
Key words: Chechen Republic, counter-terrorist operation, emergency situations, individual personality characteristics, medico-psychological consequences, prior psychiatric disorders, psycho-traumatic factors, servicemen
8. Zaitsev S.I., Kolesnikov V.A. Possibilities of Providing Better Access to and Higher Quality of Emergency Consultative Medical Care in Komi Republic by Setting up of Branches of Centre for Disaster Medicine
The possibilities of providing better access to and higher quality of emergency consultative medical care in Komi Republic by means of setting up of branches of centre for disaster medicine are discussed. Comprehensively substantiated proposals for the procedure are suggested. Strengths and weaknesses of the project are analyzed as well as expected effectiveness and economic efficiency.
The conclusion is drawn that the realization of the project shall cut the medium price of a flight by 35% that means about 200 additional flights a year for rendering consultative medical care.
Key words: accessibility, branches, centre for disaster medicine, emergency consultative medical care, Komi Republic, quality, sanitary aviation evacuation, sanitary aviation
9. Popov A.S., Yakirevich I.A., Shabanov V.Eh. Mass Sanitary-Aviation Evacuation of Sick and Casualties of Emergency Situations by EMERCOM Aircraft with Use of Medical Modules
The experience of use of modules for sanitary aircraft (planes and helicopters) for mass sanitary-aviation evacuation of sick and emergency situations casualties by EMERCOM aircraft is described. The information on modules configuration and medical personnel requirements is presented. The technologies of emergency medical care delivery aboard the aircraft some of them used for the first time in Russian and world practices are described.
Key words: casualties, EMERCOM aviation, emergency medical care, emergency situations, helicopter medical module, mass sanitary-aviation evacuation, monitoring, plane medical module, sick people, treatment technologies
10. Goncharov S.F., Sakhno I.I., Matveychuk V.S. Results of Education Activity of All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita” in 2013 and Tasks for 2014
The results of education activity of All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”in 2013 and tasks for 2014 are presented. The organization of further vocational education at the Centre is discussed. Characteristics of the main contingents whose training was of preferential importance last year were presented. Information is given on number of training cycles, including on-site training, number of trained specialists and so on. Virtues and shortcomings of education activity in 2013 are analyzed. Detailed plans of the Centre’s activity in the field for 2014 are presented.
Key words: air-medical teams specialists, All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine “Zaschita”, cycles of thematic advanced training, disaster medicine, education activity, further vocational education, instructors of mobilization preparation and disaster medicine chairs, on-site cycles, service for disaster medicine specialists
11. Stavsky E.A., Zhdanov A.P., Pakhomov E.A. Experience of Realization of Thematic Advanced Training Cycle in Disaster Medicine for Teaching Staff of Medical Higher Education Institutions of Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts of Russian Federation
The experience of realization of an on-site thematic advanced training cycle on “Disaster medicine teaching in the system of continuous medical education” is reviewed. The cycle for teaching staff of medical higher education institutions of Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts of the Russian Federation was carried out under the auspices of Novosibirsk State Medical University and the Territorial Centre for disaster medicine of Novosibirsk Oblast on November 6-19, 2013. Forty-one trainees were taught. The cycle realization was regarded a success. The on-site format was recognized as the most promising and cost-effective for medical higher education institutions in remote areas of Russia.
Key words: chairs of mobilization preparation of health service and disaster medicine, continuous medical education, disaster medicine, Far Eastern Federal District, medical higher education institutions, on-site thematic advanced training cycle, Siberian Federal District
12. Kuz’min A.G., Nosov A.V. Teaching and Methodic Centre for First Aid Delivery Technique Teaching within Structure of Territorial Centre for Disaster Medicine: Organization and
Legal Aspects of Formation and Efficient Functioning
Organization and legal aspects are discussed of formation and efficient functioning within the structure of the Territorial centre for disaster medicine of Vologda Oblast of a teaching and methodic centre for teaching techniques of first aid delivery to victims of road traffic accidents.
Training plans and programs as well as trainees contingents are presented.
Organization and legal aspects of the centre’s functioning are analyzed.
Key words: first aid, organization and legal aspects, road traffic accidents, teaching and methodic centre, territorial centre for disaster medicine, victims, Vologda Oblast
13. Pogodin Yu.I., Volodin A.S., Yudin A.B., Medvedev V.R. First Aid to Casualties of Emergency Situations: Modern Medical-Technical Aspects and Methodology of Teaching Aid Delivery TechniquesOrganic means for first aid delivery to victims of emergency situations are presented. Approaches to methods of training aimed at providing the trainees with knowledge, abilities, and skills and a certain level and scope of competence allowing them to use efficiently the content of first aid boxes, bags and cases.
Key words: casualties, competence, emergency situations, first aid, knowledge – abilities – skills principle, medical protection, organic means, simulation training
14. Poronikov V.T., Pisareva I.G., Katik A.A. Teaching of Techniques of First Aid Delivery is “Outlawed”
Experience and results of activity of Khabarovsk territorial centre for disaster medicine in teaching different contingents of population the techniques of first aid delivery are presented. It is noted that in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Regulation on Licensing of Educational Activity” of March 16, 2011 No.174 territorial centre for disaster medicine is not entitled to such activity. This is a problem to be solved at federal level.
Key words: curriculum and instruction department, first aid, Khabarovsk territorial centre for disaster medicine, licensed educational activity, training
15. Pysla M.S. Algorithms of Primary Medical Triage
The most known triage algorithms used in mass casualty emergency situations are described and analyzed.
Key words: algorithms, emergency situations, mass casualties, triage
16. Kravets B.V. Prognosis of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Catastrophic Flood and Methods of Estimate of Requirements in Medical Resources and Manpower for their LiquidationA prognosis is presented of medical and sanitary consequences of the catastrophic flood in the Amur Oblast territory as the result of break of the dam of Zeya hydro-electric power station. The methods of estimate of requirements in medical resources and manpower for their liquidation are discussed.
Key words: Amur Oblast, break of the dam of Zeya hydro-electric power station, casualties, catastrophic flood, medical and sanitary consequences,medical manpower, medical resources, medico-evacuative characteristic, prognosis, service for disaster medicine