1. “Disaster medicine” journal celebrates its 20th anniversary
2. Goncharov S.F., Grebenyuk B.V., Murin M.B., Chubayko V.G. Results of implementation of organizational and methodological instructions on preparation of service for disaster medicine of Russian Federation Ministry of Health in sphere of life and health protection of population in emergency situations in 2012
The results for 2012 are presented of implementation of organizational and methodological instructions on the preparation of the Service for disaster medicine of the Russian Federation Health Ministry in the sphere of life and health protection of population in emergency situations. The key tasks facing the Service in the period are discussed.
The data are given on the number of actions aimed at the Service’s preparedness. The main shortcomings are analyzed in preparation of forces and facilities of the Service for liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of emergency situations.
Key words: emergency situations, organizational and methodological instructions, preparation of forces and facilities of the Service, Service for disaster medicine of the Russian Federation Health Ministry, territorial centers for disaster medicine
3. Tsoy V.K., Malinovsky S.V. Kemerov oblast Center for Disaster Medicine is 20
The history of creation and formation as well as the structure and the main directions of activity of Kemerov Oblast Center for disaster medicine are presented. The main results of the Center’s activity in the 20 years are analyzed.
Key words: emergency situations, Kemerov Oblast Center for disaster medicine, Kemerov Oblast, liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences, mine explosions, road traffic accidents, service for disaster medicine
4. Grebenyuk A.N., Petrov A.N., Sidorov D.A., Nazarov V.B. Antidotes for medical care of victims of chemical accidents and terror acts
It is shown that antidotes play the key role in medical care of victims of chemical accidents and of terror acts with use of highly toxic agents. The antidotes and medical care means from the WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines are presented. The new antidote nomenclature and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation reserve volumes for liquidation of consequences of emergency situations of chemical nature are given.
Key words: antidotes, chemical accidents, chemical substances, medical care, terror acts, victims
5. Mullov A.B., Galeev I.K., Drobotov V.N., Golik A.S. Use of mobile underground resuscitation complexes as promising direction of lethality reduction of severely wounded in mine explosions
A mobile underground resuscitation complex that is an assembly block-modular construction with transportation ability along underground workings and an independent life-support system is presented. The complex provides optimal conditions for emergency medical care delivery to a severely wounded miner according to the scope of primary medical and sanitary and specialized resuscitation care right after the explosion and during egress and transfer to a medical facility.
Key words: emergency medical care, lethality, manpower and resources of service for disaster medicine, mine explosions, mobile underground resuscitation complex, severely wounded
Бобий Б.В. О межведомственном совете РАМН и ВСМК по проблемам медицины катастроф
6. Alexeev A.A. Organization and delivery of medical care to burn victims in emergency situations: problems and mistakes
The issues of organization and delivery of medical care to burn victims in emergency situations are discussed. Some typical mistakes in the process of provision of primary medical and sanitary aid to such victims are analyzed.
Some suggestions on perfection of organization and delivery of medical care to burn victims in emergency situations are made.
Key words: burn victims, emergency situations, organization and delivery of medical care
7. Khubutiya M.Sh., Smirnov S.V., Borisov B.S., Kochemasov M.K. Potentials of specialized first aid institutions in liqidation of consequences of mass heat injuries
The potentials and efficiency of medical care in multiprofile specialized first aid medical facility in case of mass inflow of burn victims are shown and assessed. The study is based on a retrospective analysis of the results of examination and treatment of 31 patients evacuated by sanitary aviation from Perm to Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine on 5–6 December 2009.
Key words: heat injury, combustion gases poisoning, mass inflow of burn victims, specialized first aid medical facility, specialized medical care
8. Budkevich L.I., Soshkina V.V., Astamirova T.S., Korolyova T.A., Starostin O.I., Uzhevko Yu.S. Innovation technologies of organization and delivery of medical care to children with heat injuries resulting from emergency situations
It is noted that heat injuries especially those received in emergency situations are still one of the most topical and socially important problems of pediatric surgery. Some innovation technologies of organization and delivery of medical care to children with heat injuries resulting from emergency situations are presented.
Key words: children with heat injuries, emergency situations, innovation technologies, organization and delivery of medical care
9. Gulin A.N., Garmash O.A., Gromut A.A., Sotnikov V.A. Problems of rendering of emergency consultative medical care to population of northern regions of Russian Federation and possible ways of their solution
The problems of rendering of emergency consultative medical care and of medical evacuation in Northern regions of the Russian Federation are discussed. The suggestions are made on a whole number of their solutions.
Key words: emergency consultative medical care, medical evacuation, medical organizations, Northern regions of the Russian Federation, population, sanitary aviation
10. Egorov V.A., Goncharov S.F., Sakhno I.I., Zhukov V.A., Ryabinkin V.V. Continuous medical education – basic factor of enhancing emergency medical care to population in emergency situations
An analysis of the present-day state of post-graduate preparation of doctors at the central and local training bases in 2005–2011 is presented. The main directions are defined of further improvements of continuous medical education as basis for enhancing the quality of emergency medical care of victims of emergency situations.
Key words: central training bases, doctors, emergency medical care, emergency situations, local training bases, post-graduate preparation, service for disaster medicine, system of continuous education, victims
11. Goncharov S.F., Zhukov V.A., Chadov V.I. Preparation of scientific manpower for specialty occupation “Safety in emergency situations (Disaster medicine)” at All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zashita”
A dynamics is presented of the number of dissertation level researches on specialty 05.26.02 – Safety in emergency situations (Disaster Medicine) defended at the meetings of Dissertation Council (Д 208.011.01) at All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zashita”. An assessment is given of the main directions and results of the theses defended in 1995–2012.
Key words: All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zashita”, main directions and results of the theses, number of dissertation level researches, preparation of scientific manpower, Safety in emergency situations (Disaster Medicine)
12. Lobanov A.I., Avitisov P.V., Zolotukhin A.V. Main directions of scientific and educational research activity of medical-biological and ecological protection chair of Civil-Defense Academy of Emergencies Ministry
The main directions of scientific and educational research activity of the Medical-Biological and Ecological Protection Chair of Civil Defense Academy of Emergencies Ministry of the Russian Federation are presented.
Forms and methods of teaching on the issues of medical and sanitary support of rescue operations in different types of emergency situations are discussed.
The main measures are defined for perfection of scientific and methodological support of educational process at the Academy when training management personnel and specialists for the Ministry.
Key words: Civil Defense Academy of Emergencies Ministry, disaster medicine, forms and methods of teaching, medical and sanitary support of rescue operations, Medical-Biological and Ecological Protection Chair, personnel preparation, scientific and methodological support of educational process
13. Rosinov V.M., Suvorov S.G. Results of implementation of Federal target road safety programme for 2006–2012 in reduction of children’s road traffic traumatism
The results are presented of scientific research works on analysis of medical aspects of children’s road traffic traumatism and on preparation of normative legal acts to regulate creation of data banks on indexes of children’s road traffic traumatism. The research was realized in the process of implementation of federal target road safety program for 2006-2012.
Key words: children’s road traffic traumatism, data banks, federal target road safety program for 2006–2012, medical evacuation, normative legal acts, road traffic accidents, sanitary aviation
14. Boyarintsev V.V., Eldashov S.V., Grebenyuk A.N., Zargarova N.I. Transfer of tissue flap with pedicle after combined general and local irradiation
The evidence of efficiency of skin-muscle flap with pedicle transfer for surgical management of skin damages resulting from combined general and local irradiation is presented. It is shown that the best results in graft retention, restoration of motion activity and of hematological status can be attained by early skin grafting operation.
Key words: acute radiation syndrome, combined general and local irradiation, local irradiation injury, plastic surgery, skin-muscle flap with pedicle
15. Muratov Zh.K., Zurdinov A.Z. Change of dextral chamber pressure and of contractility index in animals after adrenalin administration in hypoxia environment
The results are presented of the study of changes of cardiohemodynamics in pulmonary circuit in animals in high-mountain hypoxia environment. It is noted that direct catheterization of atrium and of right ventricle made possible the objective assessment of adrenalin influence on vascular tone and functioning of right ventricle in animals.
Key words: adrenalin, animals, chamber pressure, contractility index, high-mountain hypoxia, right ventricle.