1. Kostomarova L.G., Fedotov S.A., Potapov V.I., Buk T.N. Results of Activity of Emergency Medical Care Service of Moscow in 2007–2012 Period
The results of activity of Emergency Medical Care Service of Moscow in 2007-2012 period in everyday and emergency situation environments are presented. A special attention is paid to monitoring of victims of large-scale road traffic accidents and to victims’ admission from other areas.
Key words: emergency situations, liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences, Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care, road traffic accidents
2. Pogodin Yu.I., Nikolaevsky E.E., Ivanov V.N., Medvedev V.R. Once More on Chernobyl Issue: Main Principles of Health Preservation of Participants of Liquidation of Consequences of Accidents at Radiation Hazardous Facilities
It is stated that the liquidation of consequences of radiation accidents calls for specific preliminary preparation of those engaged. The shortcomings are analyzed in managing the measures for liquidation of consequences of Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident that affected the health of the involved, which was proved by the longitudinal clinical and laboratory monitoring of the contingent. The algorithm of activity of medical formations officials responsible for workplace safety and for liquidators’ health preservation in case of accidents at radiation hazardous facilities is suggested.
Key words: Chernobyl nuclear power plant, emergency situations, liquidation of accident consequences, liquidators, radiation accidents, radiation hazardous facilities
3. Shestopalov N.V., Sakharova O.A. Organization and Activity Experience of Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine Branches in Major Agroindustrial Region as Exemplified in Altai Territory
Organization and activity experience of territorial center for disaster medicine branches in a major agroindustrial region as exemplified in Altai Territory are presented. The reasons and stages of the branches formation are discussed as well as the tasks they were set for. The branches’ activity experience is analyzed.
Key words: Altai Territory, branches of territorial center for disaster medicine, emergency and consultative medical support, emergency situations, medical evacuation, road traffic accidents, territorial center for disaster medicine
4. Gulin A.N., Grebenyuk B.V. Liquidation of Medical and Sanitary Consequences of Floods in Krasnodar Territory
The procedure and process of work of liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of disastrous flood in Krasnodar Territory are presented. It is noted that medical care was delivered to around 53,000 persons including almost 9,000 of children, that about 4,000 of them including over 700 children were hospitalized.
Key words: floodKrasnodar Territory, liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences
5. Baranov A.V., Barachevsky Yu.E., Matveev R.P., Gudkov A.B. Analysis of Hospital Lethality among Victims with Pelvic Ring Damages
The treatment outcomes are analyzed of 441 victims with pelvic damages in Arkhangelsk hospitals in 2001-2009. It is found that 43 patients (9.8%) died in hospitals. The main reason for this was severe pelvic traumas in road traffic accidents. It is noted that about a half of those with fatal injuries were in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
Key words: road traffic accident trauma, hospital lethality, victims with pelvic damages
6. Grebenyuk T.B., Liferov R.A., Patsenko M.B., Popov A.P., Bezrukov A.S., Simonenko V.B., Fisun A.Ya. Arterial Hypertension in Persons in Hazardous Occupations: from Disorder Triggers to Clinical Specifics and Treatment
The data on formation mechanisms of arterial hypertension in persons in hazardous occupations at workplace are presented. It is shown by the results of clinical tests of 124 patients with the problem that the condition has the same clinical implications as arterial hypertension with stably high arterial pressure. It is noted that people in hazardous occupations with arterial hypertension at workplace run a higher death risk. A conclusion is drawn that the specifics identified matter in clinical work and choice of treatment of persons in hazardous occupations.
Key words: arterial hypertension at workplace, arterial hypertension, arterial pressure, associated clinical conditions, clinical specifics, damage of target organs, persons in hazardous occupations
7. Pudov A.N., Spiridonova E.A., Drobyshev A.Yu., Bobrinskaya I.G. Prognosis of Difficult Intubation of Trachea in Case of Severe Trauma of Low Jaw
The issues of prognosis of difficult intubation of trachea in patients with severe trauma of low jaw suffered in emergency situation are discussed. Anatomic, functional and roentgenographic evidence are presented as well as methods and tests that make possible a prognosis of a difficult intubation of trachea.
Key words: anatomic evidence, difficult intubation of trachea, direct laryngoscopy, emergency situations, prognosis, roentgenographic evidence, severe trauma of low jaw
8. Zakrevsky Yu.N., Manuylov V.M., Matveev R.P. Organization of Search and Rescue Operations and of Medical Evacuation and Treatment of Victims in Sea Disasters. Report 2
A modern system is presented of organization of evacuation and treatment measures in case of sea accidents and disasters. It is noted that the activity includes delivery of medical care to victims on the spot, during medical evacuation and at healthcare organizations. The scope of medical care at evacuation stage is discussed.
Key words: combined mechanical and freezing injury, concomitant mechanical injury, evacuation and treatment measures, isolated freezing injury, isolated mechanical injury, medical care, medical evacuation stages, multiple mechanical injury, sea disasters
9. Rubtsov V.I., Klochkov V.N., Surovtsev N.A. Personnel and Population Protection in Radiation Accidents at Highly Hazardous Production Facilities
The factors of radiation and non-radiation nature present in radiation accidents are analyzed. A classification is presented of highly hazardous radiation facilities by specifics of damage effects in case of radiation accidents. Priority protection measures to be taken at accident detection are presented. Priority measures in case of radiation contamination of surfaces are discussed.
Key words: collective and individual protection means, highly hazardous radiation facility, priority protection measures, protection of personnel and population, radiation accident contamination zones, radiation accident
10. Bezchastny K.V. Evolvement of Psychohygiene as Science Discipline and Realization of Psychoprophylactic Measures among Police Personnel
The main stages of evolvement and development of psychohygiene as a science discipline are presented. The risk factors of neuropsychic disorders and psychosomatic diseases as well as factors counteracting stress in policemen are discussed. The experience of detection and primary psychoprophylaxis of neuropsychic disorders is analyzed.
Key words: neuropsychic disorders, police officers, psychohygiene, psychoprophylaxis, psychosomatic diseases
11. Gundorova R.A., Stepanov A.V., Kvasha O.I., Borkhanov A.Kh., Galchin A.A., Tsygankov A.Yu. Emergency Ophthalmological Care Delivery in Emergency Situations
Measures on delivery of emergency ophthalmological care to victims with eye traumas suffered in emergency situations are presented. The issue of sequence of ophthalmological care in case of concomitant eye injury is discussed. It is noted that timely transfer of victims to specialized ophthalmological facility is the decisive factor in the prevention of possible complications.
Key words: concomitant eye injury, emergency ophthalmological care, emergency situations, medical evacuation stages, visual organ traumas
12. Matnurov D.I., Zhukov V.A., Sakhno I.I. Characteristics of Road Traffic Accidents and Traffic Injuries in Tuimazy Region of Bashkortostan in 2010. Report 1
Characteristics of road traffic accidents and traffic injuries in Tuimazy Region of Bashkortostan are presented. The data of 317 ambulance teams call cards and 158 case-records of road traffic accident victims admitted to Tuimazy central regional hospital in 2010 are analyzed.
Key words: Bashkortostan, road traffic accidents, traffic injury rate, Tuimazy Region
13. Gulin A.N., Goncharov S.F., Garmash O.A., Motina N.A. Ways of Enhancement of System of Emergency Consultative Medical Care and of Medical Evacuation (Sanitary Aviation) in Russian Federation
The ways of enhancement of the system of emergency consultative medical care and of medical evacuation (sanitary aviation) in the Russian Federation are presented. The tasks facing the system are discussed. Some data on functioning of the involved departments in 2011 are given and their problems to solve are analyzed. Some models of employment of air transport for the purpose of emergency consultative medical care delivery and medical evacuation in the territories with differing population density and transport infrastructure development level.
Key words: emergency consultative medical care, emergency situations, medical evacuation (sanitary aviation), models of employment of aviation, sanitary aviation evacuation
14. Popov V.V., Rogozhina L.P., Medvedeva E.V., Garmash O.A. Measures Aimed at Optimization of Work of Emergency Medical Service in Sverdlovsk Oblast
The problems of optimization of work of emergency medical service in Sverdlovsk Oblast are analyzed. The tasks in the field of modernization of the service are defined as well as the guidance criteria of the work. The reorganization models of the service are discussed. Some suggestions are made on perfection of organizational and methodics activity of the territorial center for disaster medicine on the named issue.
Key words: emergency medical service, reorganization models of the emergency medical service, Sverdlovsk Oblast, territorial center for disaster medicine
15. Popov V.P., Garmash O.A. Cooperation Stages and New Technologies of Emergency Medical Care Service and of Service for Disaster Medicine of Sverdlovsk Region
The cooperation stages and new technologies of emergency medical care service and of service for disaster medicine of Sverdlovsk Region are presented. The activity of the territorial center for disaster medicine in guidance of emergency medical care service and in introduction of new technologies into practice of the services.
Key words: along the rout first aid posts, emergency medical care service, emergency response teams, emergency situations, road traffic accidents, service for disaster medicine, Sverdlovsk Region, territorial center for disaster medicine, territorial standards
16. Kaznacheev V.M., Popov A.S., Shabanov V.Eh. Sanitary Aviation Evacuation of Road Traffic Accident Casualties in Territory of Ukraine
The procedure and process of sanitary aviation evacuation of road traffic accident casualties in the Ukraine territory by a joint team of specialists of All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» of Ministry of Health of Russia and of Centrospas of EMERCOM to hospitals of Moscow and Pskov are discussed. The character of traumas and victims’ status as well as the complex of medical evacuation measures in the process are presented.
Key words: casualties, joint medical team, medical evacuation measures, road traffic accident, sanitary aviation evacuation, Ukraine
17. Tetyushkin M.A., Gus’kova O.V. Ways of Negotiation of Difficulties in Detection of Disorders in Medical Workers Caused by Stress Situations
The results of a research on prevalence in different groups of medical workers of anxiety and depressive disorders, compliance and awareness of medical workers on the rate of disorders caused by stress situations environment including emergency situations are presented. A conclusion is drawn on underestimation by medical workers of rate of disorders resulting from psycho-traumatic impact of emergency situations. Some suggestions on bettering of handling the issue are made.
Key words: anxiety disorders, compliance, depressive disorders, emergency situations, medical workers, stress situations
18. Lebedeva E.A. Experience of Use of Epoetin Alfa in Severe Concomitant Craniocerebral Trauma Cases
The results of a study of clinical effects of epoetin alfa use at acute stage of traumatic disease in victims with severe concomitant craniocerebral traumas are presented. It is stated that the acute stage of traumatic disease in victims that were treated with epoetin alfa passed easier than in those managed according to standard intensive care procedure.
Key words: acute stage of traumatic disease, casualties, epoetin alfa, intensive care, severe concomitant craniocerebral trauma
19. Shelygin K.V. Alcohol and Mortality in Road Traffic Accidents in Arkhangelsk Oblast
The impact of alcohol consumption on mortality in road traffic accidents in Arkhangelsk Oblast is analyzed. A conclusion is drawn that up to 17.6% of general mortality rate in the area and up to 18.6% male mortality rate in road traffic accidents are connected with alcohol consumption.
Key words: alcohol, Arkhangelsk Oblast, mortality rate, road traffic accidents
20. Bezchastny K.V. Historic Aspects of Psychohygiene of Servicemen in XX century
An analysis of development of military psychology and military psychohygiene as separate disciplines of interdisciplinary nature is presented. The role of outstanding military leaders in the creation of system of promotion of health of servicemen of army and navy is shown in retrospect. The opinions of military experts and prominent scientists on psychologic preparation of Russian servicemen are discussed.
Key words: military psychohygiene, military psychology, psychologic preparation, servicemen
21. Prostakishin G.P., Sarmanaev S.Kh. Toxicology: Notions, Terms and Criteria